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Everything posted by Tanoros

  1. Only 1 rookie is starting, the other spot is Dane’s. It’s not the same, but McDermott drafted White at 27 and he started as a rookie. Knowing we would most likely need a body to play opposite of Dane while White recovers, the FO took another 1st round CB with similar intentions as the year White was drafted. I don’t think that’s a bad plan at all. I also thought a vet would be brought in, but, I also trust this front office, especially with DB’s. I personally believe if the Bills weren’t happy with what they were seeing in training camp/preseason, they would bring in a vet. I think Benford stepping up was nice pleasant surprise and it will be interesting to see who can lock down the spot opposite Dane, until White gets back.
  2. No, that’s not the case. Dane Jackson proved he could fill that hole last year when White was out. If Dane Jackson could preform with Levi Wallace opposite of him, clearly he can with White opposite of him. Drafting a cb in the first was absolutely done with the idea White may be out for some time, and trying to pair top end talent to work with Dane during White’s absence. Getting Benford and him looking good is an added bonus.
  3. Two different drafts completely. Stevenson’s draft wasn’t deep at all, it was considered one of the weakest drafts in many years, where as, Shakir’s draft was considered one of the deepest in many years. Not all drafts are the same, even though there is always 7 rounds. He will be worked in, and how much so will depend on how he does and how McKenzie does. I personally believe McKenzie is going to surprise many this year, but I also think the same of Shakir. The difference is, I believe Shakir will be moved around more, where McKenzie will be primarily slot.
  4. Exactly this. McDermott is all about brining rookies along slowly, which means pre-season reps. The fact that he didn’t get a lot, seems to indicate they like what they see and don’t want others seeing it until it counts.
  5. The way the team played last night seemed to be an indication of this whole thing impacting on the field play. Our o-line was no help, but the team didn’t seem to have the same mojo as the first two games.
  6. The separation part is true, but have you seen the grabs he’s been getting? The guy really can catch anything. He seems to be a great contested catcher, and could have some value in short yardage/red zone passing situations. As the ST snaps graph shows, the Bills are looking for a reason to keep him, which means they like his on field performance too.
  7. It’s quite clear his hands were tied as to what he was allowed to say. That’s very common when lawyers are involved.
  8. Quite frankly, neither you or I know who commuted those acts against that girl. It’s very possible she doesn’t even know. Due process is of the utmost importance at times like these, clearly that’s how the Bills organization feels too. We all know they are run very well, and look how they are handling this situation, they are exercising due process just as they should be. It’s really quite simple. Also, just because not everyone is treated the same in the world, is not an excuse to treat others differently. We need to be that which we wish to experience, otherwise things inevitably turn to anarchy.
  9. You covered this very well! Thank you for responding to that incredibly short sighted post in such an articulate manner.
  10. That’s not a good look either. It’s about more than him, “just being a punter”. Would you want to be part of an organization that treats people differently based on who they are or what they do? I surely wouldn’t, and there is a good chance that would turn away others too. There is no easy answer when things like this happen, but the right path is following pre established plans (even if it was to get rid of someone at the onset of the accusation, but clearly, that’s not the Bills plan).
  11. By and large the vast majority on this thread are simply saying, a decision shouldn’t be made based on the court of public opinion. But instead, due diligence should be exercised in order to get as much facts as possible and then make an informed decision whether that be releasing him or not. There really is nothing worse than those who jump to conclusions based on emotion. That’s a recipe for disaster not success!
  12. It’s about more than the punter though. It’s about the Bills acting in a way that won’t be prohibitive to signing other players in the future. This current Bills organization is a very high character organization. They aren’t going to make rash, emotional decisions. They are going to follow their pre established plans and act accordingly at the conclusion of following those plans. In this case, if the Bills believe the rape accusations to be true, I can’t imagine they wouldn’t release him, and justifiably so. What would you say if Josh had such an accusation made against him? Would you still want the Bills to make a rushed emotional decision and move on? Would you be willing to forgive him? For me personally, I wouldn’t want anyone on the team who was proven to have raped another (proven being the key word btw). However, as it relates to this instance (or any like it), if the Bills believe that Araiza acted in the wrong, while not being 100% definite, that should be enough to pull plug (I would hope so). Just the same, due diligence must be exercised first in an effort to adhere to the high standard the Bills organization adheres too.
  13. However, a situation like this needs to be handled the same regardless of player/position. It’s doesn’t help build chemistry/morale treating people differently based on the position they play. Imagine Josh being accused of something like this. Should we expect the Bills to get rid of him immediately because of the bad look to the organization? I know many here who are so willing to move on from Araiza wouldn’t feel the same if it was Josh. I know for a fact I wouldn’t want to work with a company/organization that handles hard times differently based on who you are/what you do. Fortunately, the Bills are not such an organization.
  14. Why do people have such a hard time understanding the private industry in AMERICA should represent American ideals in order to attract hard working Americans. Who wants to work for a company/organization that doesn’t adhere to America ideals? Those pulling the weight of this country along are the ones who adhere and respect the American way of life. Obviously a private company is free to do things that are counter to the American justice system, but such actions are not free of consequence. In the instance the Bills find themselves in, there isn’t one right answer as so many in this thread seem to indicate. EVERY organization/company worth a damn has procedure/protocols in place for dealing with the multitude of things that can occur. Just as the Bills do in this instance. The best thing the Bills can do is follow their pre established procedures/protocols (even if that means dumping the player, however, that doesn’t appear to be the case as of now).
  15. Agreed, however innocent until proven guilty is an American value. Do you think the Bills are more or less attractive to players when we cut people the second a negative accusation is made against them? Of course not, the reason being, not adhering to a core tenet of the American way of life. Just any team preaches the best man wins the job, so should the team follow their existing procedures for this kind of thing, and I guarantee you, the procedure is NOT to act based on feelings and public perception. The Bills have to show honesty and integrity in regards to their players, illustrating that they respect them as people. Too many in this nation react emotionally and then don’t see anything wrong with that. Pure insanity
  16. Consider the counter to what you say. Who wants to sign with a team that dumps a player the second there are accusations made against that player? There are never easy choices in these situations. At the end of the day, the right answer is to follow plans put in place for these kind of things and NOT make off the cuff decisions based on emotion.
  17. This right here. The Bills have to exercise their own due diligence and determine if he did it or not. They might not get a 100% definitive answer, however, they should be able to get enough information to make an informed decision one way or the other. However, the Bills should NOT act on an accusation alone. Too many people in this country jump to conclusions based solely on headlines and quick sound bites. Fortunately, the Bills organizations seems to be beyond that. Whatever the outcome, hopefully the truth prevails.
  18. In this country we are innocent until proven guilty. Anyone can make an accusation. If guilty, he deserves punishment, but he deserves a chance to defend himself, as we all do.
  19. The thing is, if he goes to the PUP list, he can’t practice either. As good as he is, he is going to need some practice time being for going full go in a game. So he would miss a minimum of 4 games, but would the Bills have him play game 5 with only one week of practice? If they don’t put him on the PUP, it’s one less person that can be stashed, however not everyone on the 53 is active every week. If Tre is close, it might be worth having him inactive for a week or 2, while still being able to practice and ramp up. The best thing about this news is that he is close. If he wasn’t, he would be on the PUP already.
  20. I know Dorsey is a massive question mark, but I have such a good feeling about him as an o coordinator and I’m anticipating our offense looking better than it has to date (with Allen).
  21. I agree. We all have faith in Davis and McKenzie (trust me, I do big time), but we can’t expect them to be rated near the top until they’ve proven themselves over a full season. I expect after this season, the Bills wr room will be ranked much higher, and that’s the crutch with exercises like this, you can’t rank guys who haven’t produced ahead of guys who have, yet we all know guys who haven’t produced will break out during the season, but we can only guess who. In the end, you have to perform these exercises based off of proven performance (which is more looking back than forward).
  22. Exactly. Look at the high character people associated with the Bills, they most definitely don’t see the mantra as something that would allow for cheating. Like you said, good character and ethics go without saying.
  23. I was done with it when I saw McCorkle on the list. There is no way he is top 100 material, especially as a rookie. He was very solid for sure, but top 100 players are well beyond solid.
  24. I think McDermott will wait until game 3 again. Because of the roster cut down dates, game 2 is the last chance to see many live before the big cut downs. Before game 1 it was stated that McDermott wanted to give the guys fighting for a spot as many opportunities as possible.
  25. Ok, so compare players based on stats alone? That’s the end of the line? How do they achieve those stats? Garbage time, against a backup, wide open play, there are so many variables as we all know. For me personally, my comparison of the two is based on what I see with my eyes, them as a football players on the field. Lemar’s play on the field is far and away different than Tyrods. Tyrod was lien a Trent Edwards who could run. That’s who he compares to.
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