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Everything posted by Kiva

  1. I am concerned about the refs. Will they sway the outcome of this game? I am concerned about the Pats cheating. I demand a fair playing field.
  2. Extend them. Keep this group together as long as possible.
  3. Playing angry does not translate to winning. It translates to sloppy play and penalties. Negative motivation has never produced positive results. It produces spite and individuality. Let’s just win the Super Bowl.
  4. Get Wallace off the field!! Johnson is much better. Wallace is terrible.
  5. https://mytuner-radio.com/radio/wgr-550-sports-radio-404063/
  6. Our offense will have to produce for a full game. One or two good drives is not going to cut it this week.
  7. Something that starts up slow then gradually builds into Heaven.
  8. His conservativeness, time management and challenges have to improve to reach the upper echelon of coaching and he must continue winning obvs.
  9. Something new that the players can relate to. What are the players listening to?
  10. Is the confirmed? During the TO on the 4th down it appeared both Leslie and Sean were involved in play calling. I don’t believe OP is accurate.
  11. Blasting music isn’t a coaching skill. All teams prepare for their opponent in different ways; some practice in the elements, some blasts crowd noise to replicate a hostile crowd. Beating the Pats* consistently would give me more confidence that McD can match Belly coaching skills. Belly cheating is a whole other issue that should factor into his history* The Beane and McD regime has NEVER beaten the Patriots, which is concerning. Hopeful it happens Sunday.
  12. Our QB is on a very short leash. Jauron ball returns!! The decision to kill the half better not come back to haunt them.
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