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Everything posted by Kiva

  1. They purposely don’t hire full time to avoid the health insurance requirement. They’re all about profit and not about morals. (search Whole Foods in Pittsford) Please boycott a store like this. There are much better options out there.
  2. Chicago is what Buffalo should have been. It’s a shame whats happened to Buffalo, Cleveland, Detroit. Etc.
  3. Our world has been gradually warming since the ice age. Give it another 10,000 years and we may see the winters shorten to only 8 months out of the year.
  4. I personally couldn’t wait to get out of W. NY. The grass is much greener, trust me. Did you know there is a condition which causes hostages to develop a psychological alliance with their captors during captivity...?
  5. What is $50 worth is American money. Is it like pesos?
  6. This is the USA. Let’s compare Apples to Apples here.
  7. Wow Donuts, this is a serious situation.You seem very distressed. Have you reported this to the police?
  8. Dallas is a bad team. We are in for a wake up call.
  9. Who pays attention to commercials?? esp. enough to become emotional about it?
  10. That’s great but my point was his passion. He need to get on whatever he was on to match that magic video of 26 years ago. This doesn’t quite have the same feel.
  11. He needs to get more liquor’d up. Not close to the same passion as 26 years ago.
  12. What marketing genius at wegys thought of that original idea. So stupid. Lol.
  13. Would you rather lose another game because of 6 mill? No!! It’s worth the dead cap to cut him loose. Chase should have been signed yesterday.
  14. Haoushka is shot. Sign chase now. No more losing games (Browns) because our kicker is a head case. cut Houshka, sign Chase
  15. They need to move the xp up at least 5 yards. These guys play too hard to have the game comedown to some head case kicker.
  16. Our Special Teams will have a huge game!! Fakes and long returns.
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