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Everything posted by Chaos

  1. After 100 votes, the fan estimates total to 9.4 wins for the Bills.
  2. First, I do think McDermott gets another head-coaching job . But I think it is less than certain it’s hard to imagine any team who thinks they have their franchise quarterback in place hiring Sean McDermott. I also think any team with the draft capital to to land a franchise QB would not hire McDermott It seems like the teams that would be interested would be the teams that are starting guys like Sam Howell or Derek Carr, who don’t really have realistic championship aspirations
  3. The past is the past. This includes McDermotts past successes and failures. The only proper question is who is the best person to maximize the chance for the Bills to a championship in the future. Maybe McDermott is the answer to that question. I did not know who Nick Siriani was before the eagles hired him. I did not know Sean Mcvay as a possibility. I am sure I don’t know all of the available options at this time. But if the Bills falter again this year, I feel as though the team should consider options and only retain McDermott if they believe he is the best option.
  4. So your saying the TD passes are being distributed around. Why is that shocking?
  5. This post is why we need a soiled diaper emoji.
  6. Where do you think the Bills end up this season? been running this poll for some weeks If you voted previously, and wish to change your vote, you can do that pretty easily.
  7. Actuaries make big bucks to run the numbers on the probabilities of things like death and injury. It seems often that sports franchises do "analytics", but mostly go by eye tests and "experience" for most decisions. My question to anyone who knows about this: Do teams evaluate their assests with a view to injury liklihood. For example what is the expected games/contract dollars lost for a defense with six starters 31 or older, and 4 players with major recent injury histories? Or is the nature of football that all players/teams have an equal injury risk?
  8. If we are burning down the roster, is it time to change coaches too?
  9. Maybe if the officials were allowed to do the play by play live, they wouldn't feel the need to be the center of attention after every play.
  10. at the moment they are in second place. you mean relegate them to third place
  11. The answer to why is "we are looking for ways to keep the DC from getting embarrassed. The defense couldn't get off the field, and we needed someone to do something to give the defense a rest. So we took the offense out of its rythym to rest the defense. I did not consider at the time, that the team with the most points at the end of the game wins"
  12. Not widely being discussed is that if the Jets lose tonight , The Bills control thier own destiny to win the division.
  13. If Harty was once fast or fast twitch, it is not obvious that is still the case. Currently a guy like Zay Flowers is fast and fast twitch. Harty seems to be small like Flowers, but having only NFL average WR speed and elusiveness
  14. last night McDermott had dementia level blunders. The punt rather than a Hail Mary at the end of the first half and the pointless wasted challenge. He is wasting time outs on a regular basis this season. He also seemed befuddled during the sideline interview last night. He may very well be burned out altogether.
  15. The Bengals had complete control over our defense. They were happy to play conservative ball position game with a two td lead, and then when we got it to one td Just rolled over the defense again.
  16. He is at the top or near the top on every statistical category for QBs. People insisting that is not good enough is just stupid.
  17. Reading comprehension is always key. No one said the offensive line was good what I said was it had three good players big difference
  18. Two questions Is 10 Wins enough to make the playoffs? What is the path to 10 wins?
  19. Since the 2020 season, the Bills fans have had legitimate Super Bowl aspirations each year. During the 2020 and 2021 seasons, the stars had lined up very good with the Bills coming into the playoffs with more or less the healthiest team (I seem to remember threads discussing how this was not luck, but superior training and rotation strategies by the Bills). In 2022 the Bills were not so lucky, THE GOOD Bills have one of the best QBs in the league. Dalton Kincaid has broken out and is already performing at "star" TE level. This is the second passing weapon we have been looking for. McGovern, Torrence, Dawkins form a core of a relatively young and solid line Diggs remains a beast First offensive drive script Collectively the Bills have a good core of offensive talent. You can't have a franchise QB AND stars at every position. Bills offensive personnel is actually pretty well constructed at this point THE BAD Getting rolled on the first two defensive drives. One poster in the GDT described it "like a hot knife threw butter". Honestly, the team would be better off being burned on an 80 yard pass on the first play from scrimmage, than getting used and abused on the two drives. The current starters on defense do not include a single player who is performing above JAG replacement level. The pass rush is non-existent. Von Milller, Floyd, Groot, Espensa barely make cameo appearances, let alone influence the games. Defensive coaches are not able to make do with what they have in terms of personnel. Fans get fooled because after the team falls two touchdowns behind, the opponents start slowing up and become willing to play a field position game (offense had horrible field position all night). Fans think "finally we got stop". Coaches think "two TD lead is still secure, they are 90 yards from the goal line. Overall investment in the roster has been a disaster. The Bills are invested in draft picks and defense at a level that creates an expectation of a top defense, rather than a bottom dweller. Injuries are a big part of. But coming into the season with White, Miller, Hyde and Poyer and all being old and coming off of serious injuries, and Jones and Floyd being 31 years old the defensive roster could easily be anticipated to have problems. Everyone will age another year next year. It likely requires a complete rebuild. Offensive coaching. I think there are two separate problems here. A) The team seems to be trying to find a rythym that is unnatural to them, to slow things down, to protect the defense. They can't find this rythym, and this just backfires. The TV commentators even keep saying "why don't the Bills stick with what they do well?". There must be an answer, protecting the defense seems most logical to me B) I don't know if Dorsey is handicapped by point A, but he seems genuinely bad at red zone play calling, which would seem independent of A. Our head coach decided to roll with a rookie OC, and that is not seeming wise at this point. THE UGLY The officiating. The early bad calls by the officials significantly impacted the game. There is no real sugar coating it. The phantom roughing the passer not only changes that series, it has to get in the heads of the defensive players the rest of the game. The imaginary intentional grounding arguably took points off the board. A reasonable person could argue that a better officiated game would have had a different outcome.
  20. remember when we pissed away time outs earlier in the half
  21. the going for 2, is so overthing it, but glad it worked.
  22. back in NY: Who challenged? McDermott? I have to take a leak, just tell them ruling on the field is upheld.
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