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Everything posted by Chaos

  1. I can't decide if Mcdermott is worse at head coaching or DCing
  2. its early, but that roughing penalty is a potential game changer
  3. I really would be OK with promoting Diggs to head coach.
  4. we have only 2 consistently good players on the Bills.
  5. your premise is also that Bills fans don't know what they are seeing. There is zero evidence to support either part of your premise. There is independent evaluation that Settle has played poorly.
  6. Here we are 6 minutes into the game, and Allen and Dorsey don't have a single point.
  7. i would never defer against sean mcdermott, teams just march on him
  8. i always like our defenders being 8 yards off the reciever. veerry bendy
  9. some nice yardage stats for Dak to add to his "awesome" resume
  10. Eagles channeling their inner Leslie Frazier
  11. Is there some legal requirement to describe Dak Prescott as "awesome". He is the epitome of NFL average QB
  12. Carolina appears to have blundered the draft bigly. You seem to be bitching that the Eagles shouldn't get a home game against the Cowboys.
  13. Do you not understand how divisional games work. Of the three non-divison games, one is away two are home. A 3 game count can't be split closer than 2-1.
  14. Its a divisional game. They will play the cowboys in Dallas too.
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