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Ya Digg?

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Everything posted by Ya Digg?

  1. Honest question because I don’t actually know the answer: outside of Burrow (first overall pick after having arguably the greatest college season ever so he was a no brainer) and Chase (top WR in the draft that they only got because Burrow blew out his knee) who has Cincy drafted that has made them crush drafts?
  2. I think it’s more of the stance you are taking and the guy you’re taking it with. Hunt hasn’t been an every down back in several years, why would he be that now? Also I think the overall thinking is that Cook can be that guy and he has earned that opportunity to show that
  3. If a QB signed for $20+ million under value, why would a GM and/or owner pay anyone else top end money? I think you would see contracts drop significantly if a top QB took a contract like that. Also, it’s not the players jobs to make the salary cap work, that’s up to the front office guys. Those guys are also paid a lot of money, make them earn their money as well
  4. Bosa isn’t signing for Von money-not even sure that’s even close to a starting point in negotiations. He’s going to be well over $30 million a year No way can Miami afford another high end contract. Too many guys that are about to get paid, including Tua, and they are already paying huge amounts to Hill, Ramsey, etc
  5. Let’s just hope he’s never in the game at an important juncture then!
  6. I think once KC loses Kelce they will be just like everyone else. Mahomes is great, but it certainly helps that he has possibly the greatest TE ever (after also having possibly the fastest WR ever). When you don’t have guys that can get open, your QB play all of a sudden drops
  7. I can’t believe you’re saying Blackshear can’t handle it-do you have any idea who this man is? The legend that he has become? This guy scores not one, but TWO (I think, not really sure) touchdowns during preseason with the Bills! he’s essentially the Uncle Rico of Bills football…if only they would’ve put him in
  8. So you’re saying the Bills would give up a young guy AND a draft pick for a guy that you admit is past his prime?? The Panthers should absolutely jump at that deal, have no idea why the Bills would make that trade
  9. Can he throw? I don’t care about the other 2 things if he can’t make NFL level throws
  10. So you’re advocating that they keep Lewis over Elam? Did you watch Lewis play last year?!?!
  11. Coaching? Coaching?? So a 1/2 year wonder (can’t even call him a 1 year wonder, people had his offense figured out by the end of the year), a good defensive coordinator, and an offensive coordinator I’m willing to bet very few if any (including yourself) can even name without looking him up
  12. Obviously the problem with trading him is now you are relying on someone like Alex Austin or Cam Lewis (gonna throw up in my mouth just mentioning him 🤮) to fill that 4th cb role. Who knows how Tre will respond this year and both Jackson and Benford got injured last year. To me, the Bills face too many good receivers to be giving up on him so soon
  13. Is this the same mad scientist that has choked the last 2 times he has gone to the Super Bowl? While he wasn’t the head coach, HE was the one who blew the game for Atlanta and allowed the Patriots to come back because he refused to run the ball. There are videos of him being told to run and his ego got in the way. Then against the Chiefs his ego again got in the way and it cost them the game. Good regular season offensive mind, choker in the playoffs
  14. I’ll give the other 3 credit, but Aiyuk is not elite. He can be taken out with one guy. That being said the other 3 are tough, but if he’s throwing in 2-3 seconds they aren’t getting very deep on their routes. Even Ryan Fitzpatrick looked good for that half a season here until teams figured out they don’t have to play deep
  15. So instead you wanted him to trade for a backup safety (Simmons has said he won’t play linebacker) and a backup tackle?
  16. He’s not though-it’s standard operating procedure. He has to drum up interest or he’s not doing his job
  17. I was more getting at that some people think the only way to show leadership is to yell at your teammates, in public or behind closed doors. Your right though, Josh isn’t like that at all and I appreciate it
  18. I have an issue with the bolded part. First, you have no idea if Josh criticizes players behind closed doors-he doesn’t need to make a spectacle of it in front of the world during a game. Which leads to the second part-immature children throw tantrums on the sidelines at their teammates. I don’t understand why so many people think you have to embarrass your teammates on the sidelines in order to be seen as a good leader
  19. Didn’t they bring in Matt Leinart a couple of days before they made him play in the preseason? Maybe they can do it again!
  20. This could absolutely be my Bills bias, but I don’t understand why Dolphins and Jets coaches always get so much love. McDaniel, Saleh, Flores, even Gase initially….I don’t get it
  21. Looking for the guy who works for the team to be objective isn’t realistic nor should it be. Look at what happened to the guy who works for the Baltimore Orioles as an example of why these guys aren’t overly critical of the teams they work for-guy got suspended just because he said the team hadn’t played well against the Rays for the last couple of years! Tasker is critical of the team and players at times, but do you honestly think that’s what he was hired to do? Even the national broadcast guys have their open biases-hello Chris Collinsworth!
  22. I’m sure this has been mentioned, and maybe they are interested, but why would Miami trade for Taylor when they could’ve had Cook for a lot less? They won’t be able to pay him-Tua is going to want a new contract, Waddle is eligible after this year, they are already paying Tyreek a ton, they have Ramsey, Holland will want to get paid…honestly it doesn’t seem like a great move for the dolphins
  23. Trade him, cut him, whatever you have to do, but Cam gives me too much PTSD from last year
  24. Both of those guys signed for $7 million. David signed with the only team he had ever played for and Wagner had never been off the west coast. Both those guys have discounts in these deals. So to sign either one you’re probably looking at $9-10 million at the very least (my guess is probably more). There was never a shot at signing either one
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