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Everything posted by Kevbeau

  1. And an eclectic mix if the pictures are representative. I haven’t seen that many revolvers since they stopped making Police Academy sequels.
  2. So where does one get that sweet turquoise/gold number or the embossed park ranger models in the lower left picture?
  3. Eight....eight hundred former federal prosecutors....ha....ha....ha.....ha
  4. I see a Smokey and the Bandit reboot in the making.
  5. I agree in theory that may work, but if you up the stakes or withhold payout to a certain segment you are punishing a certain segment of the population that did “educate” themselves (to borrow from Chef Jim.) I agree on the need for a safety net, but by far the vast majority of people that depend on SS as their sole source of income could have taken steps to mitigate that. That IMO is not a safety net but a buyout to people who couldn’t act like adults.
  6. I even read it in the narrator’s voice ?
  7. I’m not here for the humanities discourse.
  8. Figure it’s a strategic push to force the Trump re-election to divide their research and planning resources among several “possible” candidates, or.....it's basically the clown show it appears to be. [coin flip]
  9. “Who are 9 people who have never been in my kitchen?”
  10. “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it” If I approached my job job in the same way I’d at best be fired, at worst be in jail.
  11. Is there a more cush sounding job than Director of Canadian Studies....at a university that doesn’t even border the country?
  12. Even at 2 cents per ounce it almost effectively doubles the price of some products
  13. Good...this GA resident would like nothing more than to see the film industry GTFO
  14. That’s par for the course in Atlanta. Like how nobody stopped to check to see if the person/people in the car were ok.
  15. We have our own homeless issue in Atlanta. affordable housing is a bit down the list as a contributor.
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