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Everything posted by BuffaninSarasota

  1. “people who have met with DeSantis in recent weeks….” another Twit for brains hack
  2. So you're assuming the team & doctors would advise him not to play golf if it was potentially dangerous to the original UCL injury, correct? Then why is he playing golf? I'd speculate (...not assume) the team & doctors deemed an occasional round of golf as not dangerous or risky And your guess is incorrect - I'm a 9 handicap and very much view golf as a sport.
  3. Did you know the name of the country we are aligned with in "the NORAD" ? Yes, it's CANADIA ........🤡 https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/sunday-talk-shows/kjp-norads-taking-out-object-over-canadia
  4. https://www.crisismagazine.com/opinion/the-anti-human-humanitarians-of-davos
  5. "I DON'T KNOW JIM, I MEAN" ......!! (....and then silence)
  6. There is no way Washington will be available in the third. He's been mocked by everyone in the first round and it's warranted. He's essentially an extra OL who can get loose after the catch and has even more upside as a pro. He played second fiddle to Brock Bowers, the best TE in NCAA FB.
  7. pic on the right: a "mostly peaceful" protest - which is exactly how the leftist media describes it. Another one of their word salad euphemisms
  8. I agree, the bolded comment is exactly my takeaway as well. Americans definitely don't need an easy, ready-made excuse to not exercise & eat right
  9. I was referring to whomever it was that Lesley Stahl was interviewing, who claimed that genetics are the main reason for obesity. This fallacy was rebutted by the Harvard School of Public Health article I cited. Generally speaking, most people would agree diet & exercise can promote weight loss (...although not in all cases).
  10. Blaming obesity on genetics ..... really ? Many factors influence body weight-genes, though the effect is small, and heredity is not destiny; prenatal and early life influences; poor diets; too much television watching; too little physical activity and sleep; and our food and physical activity environment. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/obesity-prevention-source/obesity-causes/
  11. The incredulous stare by Lesley Stahl says it all.
  12. The Bills did not lose today’s game because of turnovers. Do you want to rethink your original post?
  13. WTF are you talking about ? The Bills lost THIS game due to getting their asses kicked on both sides of the line. Allen committed ONE turnover at the end of garbage time. He got abused by Cinci’s D. STFU
  14. do you have a link? I knew he was cleared to practice but had he been cleared to PLAY by doctors, it would have been all over the internet. Haven't seen this anywhere.
  15. That’s cute BS Time. You’re still confusing me with someone else. Carry on.
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