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Everything posted by BuffaninSarasota

  1. https://www.thedailybeast.com/joe-bidens-non-binary-nuclear-waste-guru-sam-brinton-out-of-a-job-after-accused-of-luggage-stealing https://news.yahoo.com/ftx-founder-sam-bankman-fried-162157366.html we hardly knew ye, Sam (s) ....... good to see the rule of law actually working once in a while
  2. Time to break out the Buffalo Fog rainwear (cut Hefty bag to fit over head, neck, and upper body)
  3. For all you Miller contract doomsdayers out in force in this thread, I have a question: where were all of you expressing such concern after Von was signed and for the entirety of this season before the Thanksgiving game? Injuries happen. They don’t suddenly make a contract bad. This is Monday morning quarterbacking at its finest and is typical of some on this board.
  4. I bet he’s watched film of the last CIN-KC game to study how Cinci neutralized Kelce
  5. And Melvin Gordon, who got whacked due to a fumbling problem. Yes, KC does appear to be just adding bodies/desperate….
  6. ahhhh.....the obligatory spleen reference - who would've guessed?
  7. "curious' would be an understatement. Lazy and incorrect would be more like it. Calling everything "incredible" & "unbelievable", ad nauseum, was annoying and weird. You'd think a smart, affable ex-QB would have more to offer than this banality.
  8. I'm sure you'd agree Romo was awful today, wouldn't you?
  9. In other news, there’s a 50/50 chance of it being partly cloudy tomorrow. Nobody knows.
  10. OP, I'm guessing if you were GM of the Bills you'd have no salary cap and unlimited budget to work with, correct?
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