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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Sometimes allowing people the opportunity to show us who they really are is worth some temporary aggravation.
  2. I'd be intrigued by this if that number was 9 or 10. Turn off the clock and the first team to double digits wins could be really entertaining. You get one timeout or challenge, whichever you choose to use. Only scores and turnovers are automatically reviewed.
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  4. I was afraid that was the case. If you have a garage, it would be a lot easier to air out than your house in February?
  5. Are you somewhere you can leave them outside overnight and wash them again in the AM? It might take a couple scrub-ups to tone down the stank and until you do that smell will permeate your house. That's a myth. It might cover up the smell somewhat for a little while but it won't do anything to break down the oils in the musk. The solution he used is the only thing I know of that can start to do that.
  6. If you see the play again, Kelce's reaction is interesting. He knows they got the matchup and that it's a TD before Mahomes even throws the ball. He never even turns around to see the Super Bowl winning play, just watches the result on the screen and starts celebrating with his back to the play.
  7. It's fine just as it is; the only thing I'd change is to just turn off the clock. The college OT is too artificial.
  8. I think both teams are getting away with murder and I kind of like it.
  9. I think Kelce just hurt his left shoulder
  10. You want a Taylor Swift filter to block the excessive Taylor Swift discussion? Physician, heal thyself.
  11. I understand space is limited here, but you could probably add just about everybody else on planet Earth to your list.
  12. I'll miss watching football, hockey and the NCAA tournament, but maybe in the bigger picture it will be a good thing to be able to sell my TV and spend even more time outside doing stuff.
  13. And here we go.... https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/06/media/espn-fox-warner-bros-discovery-team-up-sports-streamer/index.html
  14. Buy the ticket, take the ride 🤙
  15. Spot the differences: It's a trick question; there aren't any.
  16. A team full of cokeheads always beats a team full of drunks
  17. I don't watch Super Bowl commercials; I just read @Ralonzo's recaps which are superior in every way.
  18. The problem with this is that if you make it that obvious, you can expect your own QB to receive the very same treatment in short order. And that is not fair to your QB. There are hidden opportunities in games to take those shots, i.e. 2nd/short around midfield, early downs in goaltogo situations, when a QB exposes himself moving in traffic, etc. Ed Oliver recognizes these, takes those shots and gets called for it occasionally but is crafty enough about it that it doesn't blow back on to his own QB. To transpose and butcher Saruman: For all your wisdom, you have not subtlety.
  19. I wonder how many of those things are still hiding out in WNY closets and shoeboxes 40 years later. My guess is that both of our estimates would be low.👍
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