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Everything posted by Simon

  1. If anything, I'm sort of tickled that Buddy apparently has enough respect for him to not succumb to the temptation to enter the sweepstakes. I think that says as much about Mr Nix as it does about young Mr Whaley. wild guess
  2. You guys are nuts. I could look at her all day.
  3. Do you guys really want this buffoon as the default leader in your clubhouse full of young, impressionable players? Doug knows him and doesn't want anything to do with him.
  4. Kick him in the shin and see if he notices?
  5. It's probably time to make cell phones illegal too. And make-up. And billboards. And radios. And pretty girls. America: land of the free. Home of the motherment.
  6. I don't have a problem with Mair in particular; I just think that between Grier, Goose, Torres and Kaleta we've got enough more than enough guys to fill that role, and in most cases fill it somewhat better. I don't dislike him, he's just a bit of a redundancy with this club. I do have a problem with Lydman. I like his skill set well enough but he's not nearly productive enough to be that soft. And he's often an atrocious decision-maker with the puck on his stick. You can either be aggressive on D, aggressive on O, or both. But Toni is neither and the Sabres can do better.
  7. Congratulations to your father for raising an outstanding human being. Cheers, B.
  8. A team that soft should be bursting at the seams with speed and skill. The Sabres have neither. It's time for guys like Pominzinger, Connoly, Lydman, Kennedy and Mair to seek employment elsewhere.
  9. I remember thinking that at the time but wasn't confident enough about it w/o a replay to say it out loud. Without Miller, the Sabres are drafting in the top 7; we're just not very good. If Vanek is out for as much as a week, we can probably start setting up tee times.
  10. Considering how much dirty stick work we've seen from the Bruins in the last 3 days, I'm not convinced that he was playing the puck with that sharp downward hack that just happened to blast Vanek's knee.
  11. Unless maybe Doug still doesn't like him and is familiar enough with him that he would have no interest in having him be a leader in a young rebuilding locker room......
  12. I don't think the committee had anything to do with it, but I can't remember any team ever having a path of least resistance to a championship like Duke just had.
  13. That would have been the greatest shot in the history of college basketball.
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  16. I'm sorry, sister. Stay strong for your boy. And one way you can make him stronger is by leaning on him.
  17. You've got a responsibility to your daughter and nothing else matters. Stay strong brother and do the right thing.
  18. I'm over-tired of a bunch of big-mouthed no-ass faggots running around yapping about how Trent Edwards is a pu$$y. Do you simpering little ***** even watch football? The guy has started less than 2 seasons worth of games in this league and the first half of that stretch the biggest problem he had was his insistence on regularly standing in the pocket, facing down constant jailbreaks, refusing to protect himself and taking shot after shot in the face cuz he was trying to make plays down the field. And after showing the guts to repeatedly stand in there behind that joke of an OLine, willingly getting his grill mashed game after game after game he takes a concussion from one of the baddest men in the league and then finally realizes that he needs to protect himself if he's going to survive in this league. So after a couple years of playing under the worst coaching staff in the NFL behind the worst Offensive Line in the league, a bunch of needle-dicked little bug-fu(kers are going to run around with their little internet muscles calling this guy a pu$$y after he spent week after week repeatedly stepping into throws knowing he was going to get his face smashed in. I have no idea whether this kid is going to be a good player in this league, and neither do you. But what I do know is that anybody that calls him a pu$$y after the multiple killshots he's willingly taken is nothing but an all-talk, gutless little ******** who would piss down his own leg the first and last time he was asked to stand up in an NFL pocket.
  19. I got a portable unit that can be moved from one docking station to another. I have one base in my truck and I'm going to put another base in my camp this spring. Then all I have to do is take the tuner out of the base in the truck and put it in the base in my camp. I just pay for the one subscription for the tuner.
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