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Everything posted by Mikie2times

  1. This sounds an awful lot like the Gabe conversations. Everybody wondered if he was a real #2. People aren't asking these questions if the answer is yes.
  2. He won one more game than Rex Ryan and if his defenses have been so good, why do we spend every offseason complaining that our HOF QB just didn’t have any help. Hint, it’s not because Diggs dropped a bomb.
  3. Why can I only see the middle letters in his name
  4. So is this first person in history to be arrested for illegal online gambling?
  5. I agree he is a very solid deep threat. But always having him occupy one of the 11 spots and rarely being utilized kills the offense. It’s like playing with 10 guys.
  6. I said that in 1991. Somebody said the same in 1980. Somebody else said that in 1974. A lot of people died in between saying it.
  7. Josh Allen could take a baseball team to the Super Bowl with a golf club
  8. In the Lions Thanksgiving game we called a cover 0 blitz on 3rd down in a situation where we don't get the ball back if they convert. I'm not always a fan of a cover 0 late like that, but I agree, in that spot we had to force the issue. Which we did. Then we got the ball back and ran a full court press vs sitting on it. Allen connected on about a 40 yard rope and we walked it off.
  9. Who would ever consider hiring a defensive coordinator with with moderate success to be a HC in todays NFL?
  10. Who calls people son? You place your own theory on why the numbers are the way they're as if your theory matters. I just posted numbers which you don't have to interpret.
  11. Will an elite offensive coordinator want to work with him? Would an elite defensive coordinator want to work with him? The answer is an emphatic no on both accounts. The best leaders empower the people who directly manage to be the best so they can keep a 20,000 foot view everything else. McD is living at 500 feet. While some say he pays attention to the details I say he's blinded by them. That Dunne article was on point about several things it was just garbage that distracted from what those were.
  12. Historically I have not felt Allen was at the level most here did. Which for most on here is ahead of Mahomes. He's just so unorthodox. So I sort of got tired debating the nuances of what I feel he could do better vs just enjoying him and the team.
  13. I never thought he was the problem. He is the only reason we are where we are. Andy Reid went 20 years without winning a Super Bowl. His playoff record was was 11-13. KC drafted Mahomes, since that time he has two Super Bowl wins and is 13-3 in the playoffs. You want me to believe your anecdotal based on nothing story about how the above happened? I bet you still want Sean as HC.
  14. My position is probably a bit confusing here. I believe Reid is in a similar spot as Belichick with Brady. Good coach? Sure. But he's made out to be the massive game changer. I don't find it coincidental he only got over the hump with Mahomes. I feel Sean is actually a bad coach. Perhaps he is good at some things like culture building but he's bad at so many others. As far as rosters go with these elite QB's, I think as long as the roster is above X history has said that is enough. That both teams are likely good enough at that level. If not, fairly close. At least close enough that I can't or perhaps don't want to debate it. Because then it gets into a individual player conversation and I ask myself did I ever do this with Kelly and Marino or Marino and Elway, etc, etc. The answer being no. So in my point was, if it's not Allen, which at one point I sort of felt, but no longer do, it's Sean. Could some roster variance be it. Sure, but it gets complicated going down that path.
  15. It's not that I don't believe they impact things. I don't believe when people think they can quantify how much and separate who fits. In the end it can't be done with any degree of accuracy because you can't measure anything you're saying. What we can do is use history to evaluate how coaches performed before and after QB's arrived. At least that has some ability to be measured. Reid went 20 years doing very little with a below average playoff record and no Super Bowls. Mahomes shows up and now all of a sudden he's the best coach in the NFL. We have already seen this play out with Belichick.
  16. Also worth noting, prior to his arrival, Stanford, the 49ers, and Michigan were all dumpster fires.
  17. He totally got rocked by his brother in the Super Bowl his 2nd year after two straight NFC Championship games and one win. What a hack.
  18. Tyreek Hill Travis Kelsey Justin Houston Marcus Peters Chris Jones Those game changers only mattered after Mahomes got there.
  19. That team is an instant contender. You don't play for him and lack discipline. That team was pillow soft. They will be aggressive, physical, and disciplined on both sides. Herbert will get a rushing game. My only spec of happiness in this is it will strengthen the west.
  20. You think Allen is 20+ points better than Mahomes on the same team?
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