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Everything posted by Bferra13

  1. That's nice of them to send the codes out 3 months after the game was released and is in the bargain bin now.
  2. Pretty much. I live in the corporate world and any kind of "gifts" as a perk from the job is a fireable offense. And I'm not out here calling games. It's not a huge deal, but enough of one that should get him a warning.
  3. Not sure how some people can defend this... First off how pathetic is it that a man with a full head of white hair wants another man's signature on a piece of paper? And there wasn't enough time to say its for little Eddie on that sig. Can't happen with an official. You need that autograph that bad then get it in March when he's at the Saratoga Casino signing session or whatever.
  4. Exactly. And since this is now making its rounds on the internet, I'm sure this dude will get a call from the league to never do that again. If there's one thing Rodg hates its bad optics.
  5. One is a show of sportsmanship and the other could imply bias that affects the integrity of the game. These autographs are like currency these days. Dude is paid plenty as it is.
  6. It's not a good look and these guys get paid way too much to be doing this. Shouldn't happen.
  7. Long way to go, but I'm having fun. Very concerned about the injuries on d though.
  8. That missed field goal by Butker was nice to end the half. Maybe we get some help here.
  9. 6 and 1 is impressive.. But still not sold yet. Not sure why but I still think they come down to earth here in at least some way. Hard to imagine them missing the playoffs now... But we will see.
  10. Guy makes a million dollars plus to play a game. The criticism is just. It's not John in accounting forgetting a cover sheet. You will be replaced if you can't catch the ball. And he is very replaceable.
  11. Dude wants to get paid and I doubt he wants to be in a small market again after his time in LA/NYC vs his time in Cleveland. I believe he's looking for the best mix of money and that glam life. Probably for the best for us and him.
  12. Like choosing between a douche and a turd sandwich. But I agree... I'll take the Romo turd any day over Collingsworth every day.
  13. I disagree with this assessment as I heard from some casino dude on schopp and the Bulldog that homefield advantage now gets you exactly -1 . Don't hate, just passing the message
  14. If Von wants him that bad then he should restructure his contract to afford him. Hey, you were the one playin gm dude.... yeah, not gonna happen.
  15. I actually enjoy him more than Bulldog haha. Bulldog is.. ehhh not my cup of tea.
  16. If you caught this past Monday night game, Buck was saying it was pretty much one of the worst kept secrets that OBJ is resigning in LA when ready. I don't know if he knows anything, but I wouldn't be holding my breath on him coming here.
  17. Literally the pits. I was watching the end of that Packers game and they said they'd be in Buffalo next week and I basically dry heaved.
  18. And we locked him up at a great price too.
  19. 100% and off the top of my head, I don't think Wegmans has any steak cut options. Pretty sure the only toasted subs they have are chicken and meatballs
  20. The Colony used to be good like 5-10 years ago. I don't think anyone organizes it anymore. Not sure if the guy who did, Jeff, is even still alive. There's no dedicated Bills bars in Erie that I'm aware of. Just all hodgepodges of Browns, Steelers, and Bills fans.
  21. Sucks. I honestly mean that. Get better dude.
  22. Agreed with this analysis. And it's worrisome to say the least. Even after a fumble he's still put out there as the lead horse. Some things this staff does I will just never understand, but I'm not arguing it this year yet.
  23. That'd be great if it actually happenned but the"davoll effect" totally went out the door when some dude who never called a play in his life came in and called an almost perfect game against the defending sb Champs. Daboll has Danny "dimes" and will most likely be curb stomped.
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