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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. I know the names but wasn’t closely following the team then. I know it’s football but purposefully trying to injure an opponent is to much, as is repeatedly getting caught filming your opponents or not shutting of the helmet coms before the snap etc etc. Ya gotta have rules that get honored or what makes the game a great competition is gone. This goes for all aspects of having a great society. You gotta keep the cheap crap in check. And make examples out of those who get out of hand. Belichick using virtually forgotten rules to get an edge is okay, but the other things he has the organization do are not.
  2. Rest assured that Beane already has a plan in place for that contingency. It is after all his job to do so. Go Bills!!!
  3. Why someone cares about other people, You not knowing an answer to that, well that’s on you. Tell all of us about multiple times the Bills got caught cheating other teams. I never expect perfect from humans, I do however expect them to correct their behavior when they cheat, amongst other behavior. Nuthin but luv Island guy. Go Bills!!!
  4. ? just dropped passes alone can be said to have lost the WC game. For two consecutive seasons our receivers group has ranked all to high in the dropped pass category. That said Josh does indeed need to up his game, he was sloppy with the ball repeatedly, amongst other not so good decisions. Josh needs another step up in play equal to or better than last season, if that happens are on our way, if not we are a team that makes the post season and wins a playoff game here and there. I think Josh and the team can together create that needed step, but everyone needs to be on the same page. Go Bills!!!
  5. So you condone what is considered cheating and poor sportsmanship by the NFL itself, what does that say about you? Asking for a friend... oh, and I got a shovel You can have... Go Bills!!!
  6. Well, it appears that Jake Fromm is considered better by some, and he is our BU, so there is that.
  7. I think we will see a leaner and quicker Duke at camp, i think his lack of playing time was a factor in his overall performance, with an over 63 percent catch rate (within .6 of Beasley) and with limited playing time bodes well for him, jmo. I lean towards letting go Roberts, Foster, and McKenzie, all three were not particularly productive and can easily be replaced with remaining talent.
  8. It will be a mix imo, we will keep guys like Zack Moss, Fromm, Bass, and likely one of the two lower round WRs, and try to stash who we can on IR and the PS. The FA haul will almost take care of itself, erring on the side of the most known/valuable guys.jmo. Go Bills!!!
  9. Shaw66 makes excellent points above, like he said, if all things stay the same as last season, with the addition of Diggs we will be better as a team, we all assume that the receivers group drop rates will be cleaned up as well, ? that and the addition of what I call the Diggs effect will see more catches, yards, points, and wins. These things happening will simultaneously boost our QBs stat sheet, and we will all be happier. It’s only 12:10 pm but after writing this I want a beer ??? Go Bills!!!
  10. Not legally binding, wavers, do not absolve a party of their actions.
  11. There will be no fans for one potentially very costly reason. The legal liability of actively and knowingly bringing large crowds together while a pandemic virus is active, the potential wrongful death lawsuit will hit class action levels and the potential loss of many hundreds of millions of dollar, and personal culpability will be the reason. Rodger Goodell’s and the owners groups asz’s would be on the line. The NFL would be crazy to allow fans in the stadiums. There is also a very high likelihood that the Governors who have the final say will not allow it to happen.
  12. After reading others choices, I gotta go with Moulds, not that Kyle is underserving, but it’s Eric Moulds time. Add CB at the same time. Go Bills!!!
  13. Because imo it doesn’t work that way. This year is Josh’s stepping stone year, he absolutely needs to get better across the full spectrum of QB metrics to be “the one” going forward. Fromm is here as a potential BU this year, likely PS and a potential BU in year two. This of course is supposition, but Beane ain’t no fool, and is far more ruthless than many think, he didn’t bring Fromm in for the hell of it. I will say that Allen has two more years, this year and next year unopposed, then if he hasn’t worked out the QB competition will start the following preseason. Beane already has plans in the works for the possibility of Josh not working out, it’s his job to do so. There is No “hate” here, just guys chatting up potential outcomes. Some just have better and worse ways of expressing themselves. Go Bills!!!
  14. On your first paragraph, I agree, especially if the dropped passes issue is fixed, hell, Josh would have been at sixty plus percentage on completions if only a third less passes were dropped, and that would likely result in more points scored, and more wins. Jmo of course. Go Bills!!!
  15. Foles, it is true can’t maintain output for more than a few games in a row. But he will likely still start for them.
  16. The league will throw the book at them, but won’t touch the patsies...
  17. Like sands through the hour glass go the days of our lives, wonder what’s on tomorrow...
  18. Foles is gonna have to screw the pooch to not be the starter, jmo.
  19. Happy birthday TE! 22 was 40 yeas ago, I was wearing camouflage with the Corp in those days, damn time flies when your having fun and living your life.
  20. A lot of the chastisement of some posters is not because of there view on some of our guys, as I have my own doubts as well, it is rather from the verbiage “some” use to express their views, it is all to often presented in absolutes, so it then naturally invites the rebuke, versus a constructive counter point. We all know there is a chance Josh doesn’t get a whole lot better than this past season, or even takes a step back, although unlikely, on the other hand he may very well make a big jump in his game and impress us all. Nuthin but luv ?? Go Bills!!!
  21. Yup, the dumbing down of an all to large percentage of society has been quite successful, sad as that is. Go Bills!!!
  22. That’s so piss doesn’t spray all over our bathroom floors and cabinets.... ???
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