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Everything posted by Westside

  1. Excellent idea comrade!! Much better than nasty old lady Hillary Clinton!! Keep up good work! You are catching eye of our beloved leader!
  2. Bravo comrade!! There will be many rubles in your stocking this year!
  3. You have to excuse comrade tibs, his English is very limited. But he do excellent job for president Putin. ?
  4. Keep up the good work for mother Russia comrade. Very well done.
  5. Who's the big mouth white guy? Jamis Winston? Please!!!! GTFOOH!!!!
  6. I can't believe none of the Democrats have the moral decency to stand up to this ridiculousness. I'm ashamed to admit I was once a democrat.
  7. Neither did Trump. Obama and Hillary on the other hand, are responsible for the steele dossier. Which they paid to have foriegn powers dig up dirt on a presidential candidate.
  8. Yeah, well tips got his GED when he was 37. He's the best damn underwear washer in the laundromat!! Top that!!
  9. Who needs PFF to tell us Josh sucks. Our own fans will tell you. They should change the saying nobody circles the wagon like the buffalo bills into nobody eats their own like buffalo bills fans. I would love to see duck dodger play like Allen did against the cowboys on Thanksgiving day. Fantasy football has ruined the sport. It's all about numbers not winning. Screw 300 yards. I'll take winning everyday.
  10. Burn DC to the ground and cover with salt. Honestly, give power back to the states, back to the people. Term limits, no lifetime political jobs. Prosecute to fullest extent of the law anyone breaking it for personal gain. Get rid of lobbyists and big corporations in DC. Make every penny collected in taxes transparent. No more handing over billions to foreign countries just so it can be grafted back to politicians family's and friends.
  11. Thank you Joe. I hope you and your loved ones have a great Christmas!
  12. I'd rather be a sparrow than a snail Yes I would, if I could, I surely would I'd rather be a hammer than a nail Yes I could, if I only could, I surely would
  13. I think we should just forfeit this game. Nobody can beat the all powerful ravens. Screw that, go out there and punch them in the face! See how well they take it, then hit them again! Hell yeah!!!!! Go Bills!!!!!!
  14. How will they contain Allen? I don't think they can.
  15. Massive holes? Lol Only massive hole is between your ears.
  16. They still wouldn't get respect if they did. That's fine though, I don't really care what they think anyways. , Are you even a Bill's fan? Just curious.
  17. Like I said, still no respect for the Bills.
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