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Everything posted by Westside

  1. Of course she will. Have to keep the corruption in the family.
  2. They have to impeach him first, then figure out what for.
  3. I know that, but anything coming from tibs is fake news.
  4. Lol, you have a big fat nothing burger and you know it. I don't think you've ever told the truth here.
  5. He's been standing too close to Bob's bong at the laundromat. His brain is baked.
  6. Especially if you and your friends are a bunch of pedophiles.
  7. He's an ex bill too. Lofton seems to be rooting for Cleveland.
  8. What a witch hunt you libtards are on. Lol A referee? GTFOH! You quacks are so desperate. Very pathetic.
  9. Coming from such a honest non partisan like you, how could I not trust you? Lol All you do is lie, no one believes you.
  10. Oh you really got him this time!!! Lol, what a joke! Fake news!!!!
  11. You responded in the wrong personality. I was talking about bowel movement bob. Who am I kidding? You, bowel movement and gary are the same person.
  12. Says the guy who's been making shiff up for the past 3 years because Hillary lost. Don't preach to me about honesty. You have no morals, no values, no decency at all. I'm tired of all the bullschiff you and your little socialist buddies spew on here everyday. Get a life.
  13. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess you're high as a f'n kite when you posted that. Get a life loser.
  14. Due process???? Are you f'n kidding me??? That's all it's been since he was elected! Get your head out of your ass and stop playing dumb! I can't wait until next year when he is reelected for four more years! Nothing pleases me more than dumbasses like you on the left cry and throw tantrums.
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