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Everything posted by Westside

  1. Hey! That's about the same amount Biden and jr walked away from burisma and the Ukraine. Hmmm......very interesting.
  2. I wouldn't give the corrupt left one inch at all. The President of the United states should never be censured. That's f'n ridiculous to even suggest. How about censuring you? Would you be for that? Whether I agree with your views or not, I would fight against that with everything I have. Give the socialist pigs exactly what they deserve, absolutely nothing!
  3. Hell, they have biden on video bragging about how he extorted Ukraine and the looney left doesn't give 2 Schiff's about it.
  4. Is that anything like "I have proof" from schiffhead?
  5. That's funny, I've never seen you call out the liberals on campuses for shutting down Republicans just because they don't want to hear what they have to say. Your crying is pretty disingenuous.
  6. Not anymore. All my kids are grown. I just give them money so they can buy what they want.
  7. You're an idiot. You keep spouting the same rhetoric knowing full well that you're lieing your ass off. You don't give a Schiff about the country. Why are you defending those crooks is beyond me.
  8. Yeah, ok. They really got him now. Zero proof he wanted dirt on a political opponent. The Democrats in the 2016 election actually did exactly that. Yet you project. You're a hack. With serious TDS. Get help .
  9. You're either a simpleton or a partisan hack. Joe Biden is guilty of everything you accuse Trump of. Hell, he even admitted it on camera!! Once again, the left projects there crimes on someone else. Pretty pathetic.
  10. I can't wait until you release your tax returns. It will finally show that, besides the laundromat, how much soros is paying you to be his bot. Come on tibs! Release your income tax returns!!
  11. I think we should sign Jerome Bettis! He looks great in a flag football game! Go Bus!!!!
  12. Coming from someone who laughed at the Americans who died in Benghazi, I find your outrage over Acosta full of schiff. Spare me your moral outrage, since you've never shown to have any morals before.
  13. With the economy booming and more people working, I don't think not being crazy would be enough to beat Trump in 2020. Especially with the pathetically weak field of democrats they have running.
  14. Maybe I'm different. Bills games aren't life and death for me anymore. I guess after over 40 years of being a fan, I might be a little jaded.
  15. Are you crazy!!! Shiff, Pelosi, Nadler,Waters etc,etc,etc....are not moderates by any stretch of your imagination.
  16. Registered Democrat, socially in the middle and fiscally conservative. I believe in the 2nd amendment. I'm against abortion. I have no problem helping people who really need assistance. I'm really not for or against gay marriage. I consider it none of my business. I believe in America first. I think the democratic party is corrupt at the top. They need to go and let more moderate Democrats take charge.
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