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Everything posted by MacGyver

  1. Sounds like it's about time for him to sustain a major injury. That would be so Billsy.
  2. It is definitely possible. There was a kid in Iowa iirc, cut both his arms off above the elbow on a piece of farm equipment. He was alone, so he ran to the house and somehow called 911 with is face, this was before cell phones. They reattached both arms. I don't think he has much usage of them, but he has his arms. Found the story, it was North Dakota not Iowa: https://people.com/archive/too-tough-to-die-vol-37-no-4/
  3. I'm a bit confused. It sounds to me like the mother did most of the damage to the child. I'm not sure how sprinting was an issue. Kids hit their heads all the time.
  4. Levy didn't get the job done, doesn't belong on that list IMO.
  5. I must say this is a very stupid thread. Just wanted to put that out there.
  6. Well, how has being a "believer" worked out the last 2 DECADES?
  7. Who cares how good the roster is, they keep winning SB's, that's what garners all the accolades many fans desire.
  8. Yes, they still suck untill they prove otherwise with wins. We all know and understand this, right?
  9. She will take half of everything he's earned, more if they wind up having kids.
  10. He should have been traded last off season. This definitely should be his last season as a Bill.
  11. If Brady died out on the field at New Era Bills fans would probably tear down the goal posts.
  12. I've had a live-in GF for 15 years. For me, that is the best scenario. It removes the chances of getting raked over the coals in court. I only spend money on her when I choose to do so as opposed to being obligated to do so.
  13. You found a good one that's for sure. It's a rare thing these days. I knew at an early age watching the dynamics of my huge family that marriage and children were definitely not for me. And given the state of our culture these days, I feel like I really chose the correct path.
  14. Most women in general use manipulation to get what they want. It's how human females evolved to survive in a male physical dominance environment. In terms of modern day marriage I suspect most if not all women use some form of manipulation, either verbal or emotional.
  15. HAHA, well I guess your ex being a feminist is good for one thing!
  16. That all depends upon the type of woman tbh, hence the lottery comment... Also, you (or your son) not being the bread winner is part of it. The vast majority of women want to marry up, not down. However, with the way things are going in our academic culture, women will have to get used to being the bread winners, will have to get used to marrying down, if they want to get married...
  17. Right, it worked great for my parents, but they married in the 1950's, the world is a much different place these days.
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