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Ethan in Cleveland

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Everything posted by Ethan in Cleveland

  1. If defense can play this well they can make the SB. Tenn is the only team we don't match up well against. But with a healthy secondary they can commit more guys to stop the run.
  2. Not the biggest or fastest. Best route runner in NFL! Great hands. Top 3 WR
  3. Terrible clock management by Bills. Could have burned two more minutes
  4. Morse A few plays but not many as the defense has forced so many 3 and outs
  5. On the PI call, Josh had Beasley wide open for an easy first down on 3rd and ten. Bad sequence in the red zone. Could have burned another 1:25 on the clock.
  6. Should have run two times. Could have burned another minute of clock and kicked the FG. Bad. Bad
  7. Illegal pick. Bad series by the D. A missed XP. Offense needs a FG on this drive!
  8. OMG what a turn around for Josh! Looked lost. And now is on fire! True legit MVP candidate!
  9. My son was wearing his college T-shirt in the first half. He switched to his Bills t-shirt!
  10. My son was wearing his college T-shirt in the first half. He switched to his Bills t-shirt!
  11. Running to the right at Watt maybe is a good way to attack. Need to go max protect and hit them with an out and up!
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