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Everything posted by OBXBILLSFAN

  1. I'd rather develop Parrish to go with Evans and Moulds than to bring back Price. At this point, he won't have the speed or quickness of either Evans or Parrish and to me, his hands nave always been somewhat suspect.
  2. Unfortunately, nothing like this ever happened to me when I was 16.
  3. I drive at least 50,000 miles a year, and I would say that about 75% of drivers in this country are stupid, oblivious, discourteous, downright dangerous or some combination of the above. My pet peeve concerns people on multi-lane roads that fart along in the left (passing) lane, holding up traffic, and forcing others to pass them in the right lane. It's a national epidemic. Speed doesn't kill. Stupid, oblivious driving does.
  4. I'm surprised Pennsylvania drivers scored that high - if 38th of 48 can be considered high. In PA, every yield sign is a stop sign. No one on an interstate will ever move over a lane - even if that lane is wide open - to let you merge. And if there is a road consruction sign saying that the right lane will be closed in 5 miles, everyone immediately jams left, making the backup several miles longer than it should be. In these cases, the state has had to put up signs which say, Use Both Lanes to Merge Point. Here in the Outer Banks, you will see LAPD t-shirts - Locals Against Pennsylvania Drivers.
  5. Points 1 through 4 could also apply to Gandy. 1) He started exactly as many games for the Bears at LT as Teague did for the Broncos, and more recently. 4) His motivation would be different - to show the Bills they are right and the Bears were wrong - but still strong. 2) and 3) are identical. Teague was not a great LT with the Broncos. He played in an O line system which covers up individual weaknesses, and Denver barely made a whimper when he left in free agency. He could not win the LT job with the Bills when he came here, either. He's an option at LT, but only if Gandy and Peters just can't cut it.
  6. I don't understand this move. I guess we got him for the veteran minimum and figure he can possibly beat out Lawrence Smith or Dylan McFarland for the last reserve O line position.
  7. I think Falling Down is my favorite movie. Some days, I know exactly how he feels.
  8. Then we won't have room for every other washed up player at every other position to come in.
  9. With Clements, McGee, Thomas, Greer and King, we certainly don't need Williams. Bennett, if he could stay healthy, might be a serviceable backup for Henry.
  10. Where are Falling Down; Planes, Trains and Automobiles; Nobody's Fool (Paul Newman); Cool Hand Luke; The Hustler; The Outlaw Josie Wales; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest; A Clockwork Orange; Fatal Attraction; and ANY of the Dirty Harry Movies?
  11. Why would anyone rail against conservatism, Christianity, or any belief system based on one, or a handful, of incidents? I never see anything here about fanatical Muslim terrorists slaughtering innocent people on a daily basis. Apparently that's far more acceptable to some. After all, 9/11 was our fault, and Saddam is really a nice fellow who should still be in power.
  12. If you want government by do nothing Dems reading the phone book for hours on end, then I guess you're happy. But you're right about one thing - the current liberal leadership of the Democrat party really does suck. When is the last time they had an idea that didn't involve bashing Bush or raising taxes? FDR must be spinning in his grave.
  13. It's typical of the liberal Democrats - who have no agenda, no new ideas, and no plan to move this country forward - to try to obstruct appointment of the President's judicial nominees by breaking a 200 year tradition of a simple up or down vote. Many of the candidates have represented minorities, but they are viewed as "too conservative," so the liberals move off their alleged principals of diversity and equal opportunity faster that Bill Clinton in a room of beautiful women. The liberal Democrats will only support liberal minorities, just like they will only support social security reform that entails higher taxes and more government control.
  14. The guy is an underachiever who doesn't play hard at times - exactly the opposite of the kind of player that McNally likes.
  15. That was because RJ couldn't get a date.
  16. I've been trying to download the thing for 2 days now, following their exact instructions, but it just will not happen. My computer is working fine for all other applications. I'll probanly cancel my regular subscription, just out of principle, because I despise misleading marketing ploys. When I tried to email them, it came back as undeliverable. I'm a little p***ed off.
  17. None of you WNYers are probably old enough to remember the Dairy Bar - in either Hamburg or Orchard Park - which had great banana splits. When you finished one, you got a button which said, "I was a pig at the dairy bar." I had several buttons as a kid. ,
  18. You have got to love everything about JP at this point. Let's hope it translates into a great season.
  19. Guinness actually makes a brand of ice cream - but it doesn't taste like Guinness.
  20. You guys obviously don't enjoy the finer things in life.
  21. Denney would be our only DE who would be suited for it, and I'm not sure we have a good 4th LB; although I guess Haggan could move inside with Fletcher and Posey could go back to what made him so successful in Houston.
  22. Ah, beer . . . It's not just for breakfast anymore.
  23. My problem - and it shows - is that I love them all. I've even been known to put a scoop or two of vanilla ice cream in my Guinness to make a great float.
  24. When I was there we had the "Saltine Warrior," a fierce looking Indian on a horse. But that sort of thing has long been politically incorrect. I guess it's hard to offend an Orange.
  25. Signed late last year off the Steelers' PS when we were short a backup RB due to injuries.
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