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Everything posted by OBXBILLSFAN

  1. Yeah, would probably only go 21-9 and take us to the playoffs as our mascot, and then be replaced by a big, strong, surfer dude buffalo.
  2. I think they would also need league approval to change again.
  3. Yeah, them too. Got to go off to South Beach to mingle with the gliteratti.
  4. We've been to Hawaii about 8 times, but always by air. Maui is great, Kawaii is beautiful, the Big Island is a mixture of flat volcanic plains and lush rain forests, Molokaii is very quiet, and Oahu is bustling around Honolulu, but nice up on the North Shore. We really like Hawaii. Also have done a few cruises, which I find to be too restrictive. I'd rather just get there and do my own thing.
  5. Hey, hey, I grew up with Paul Anka, Frankie Avalon, Pat Boone, Elvis, Chuck Berry, the Kingston Trio and the rest of those 50s and early 60s acts. Great music, and no one got trampled, burned or injured in a mosh pit. I guess it was pretty boring.
  6. They don't have real fans in LA, just phonies who show up to be seen and leave when the game is half over.
  7. It's easy to get fired at any precise moment. Just go into the boss'es office and take a dump on his desk.
  8. Turns out "Mrs. Robinson" wasn't much older than Dustin Hoffman in The Graduate.
  9. Not a great tennis player, but I liked to watch her play a whole lot more than Martina Navrotalova.
  10. I feel sooooo bad for NYC, which is sooooo neglected by the state.
  11. Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman were double murderers? Who did they kill?
  12. Before they blow up in one of our soldiers' faces.
  13. Ladies and gentlemen, there is no limit on greed, bad taste and classlessness in this country, and Jerry Jones proves it.
  14. Couldn't agree more. Can you imagine how her kids - if she has any - act? They would definitely be the kind that teachers should be allowed to kick the s*** out of, but of course are no longer allowed.
  15. OJ was found not guilty by a jury of his peers. What double murderer are we talking about?
  16. We had great teams in '64, '65 and '66, but oftimes, nostalgia has to do with a lot more than just winning and losing.
  17. Happy Bday. You're still a just a kid (compared to me.)
  18. Who hates the white helmets with the red standing buffalo? They're the best part of the whole ensemble, and a tribute to our championship teams of the '60s.
  19. Just getting him used to the public adoration he will receive when he becomes the greatest player of all time.
  20. I'd get one in a minute. One of the very great Bills of all time.
  21. Here's to the Greatest Generation.
  22. Bottom Line: JP, according to all reports, has worked his butt off to prepare for this season. Doesn't he deserve to come out in public once in a while, or should we make a 24 year old guy stay in a cave until the season starts?
  23. I once rooted for the Cowboys in the Super Bowl - against the more hated Steelers.
  24. We have ordered a McGahee for my wife and an Evans for me. We both have regular Losmans already, a home for me and an away for her.
  25. And he has the playbook mastered and has spent countless hours with the great QB developer, Sam Wyche. No one should criticize JP's work ethic or all-around preparation. If he fails, it won't be for lack of off field work or preparation.
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