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Everything posted by OBXBILLSFAN

  1. Edgler Forman Vess from Dean Koonz's Intensity. The book, not the movie which didn't do him justice. Also, Dr. Arronson from False Memories by the same author. Koonz can create some bad people. But I also like the JoeSixPack lists.
  2. I'm a big SU guy, and have been to 3 LAX Final Fours, the last one in 2004 at Ravens Stadium, and have seen the Orange win 2 of their 9 National Championships. Note to Duey: There were a lot more than 128 people for last year's finals in Baltimore. Try about 35,000.
  3. I agree. My wife and I stop at the Hooters in Kitty Hawk quite often, and at several others around the country when we travel. Then again, some of the girls could be our granddaughter.
  4. Sounds great. For all of us baseball fans, I think the Os are on a homestand during that period as well.
  5. The Cowboys had an excellent defensive draft and already have some good receivers and a great young RB (thanks to us) in Jones. I think Parcells will put a good line in front of Drew and design an offense that will take advantage of his abilities. With their defense, at least potentially, they shouldn't have to score a ton of points.
  6. We live on Whalehead Beach in Corolla. PM me if you're down this way, and maybe we can get together for a beer or three.
  7. Rich, I'm here incognito - have been a member for a while - but haven't gotten away from the Bills Zone much until recently.
  8. ...Rich, you won't be his first client, will you?
  9. That's great. Congratulations to him!
  10. He didn't even play a lot at Penn State, a school NOT renowned for producing great QBs.
  11. How many Bills fans from the Outer Banks of NC do know you personally?
  12. No. Good players, but not here long enough.
  13. Rich, I'll get you on the Guinness bandwagon next time I see you.
  14. We don't need the constant TO headache - even if we could afford it.
  15. Budweiser, Rolling Rock and anything light. I am philosophically opposed to light beer.
  16. Samuel Smith's Nut Brown Ale or Oatmeal Stout, followed by Guinness Stout.
  17. I think they might be that '64/'65 era.
  18. Payne was ranked ahead of Rheem by one of the draft services, and he's also a punter who was rated second to Dustin Colquit by another. I'd give him a shot. I don't recall who would punt if Moorman went down.
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