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Everything posted by technobot

  1. Agree, I want to see DD renewed and reinvigorated this year, playing alongside quality lineman. Let's judge him after that, last year was a tire fire.
  2. Getting way ahead of myself but 2019 is like the anti-2018. Yes, having a metric ton of cap room is key but contrast the praise being lavished on Nshekhe and with the reactions from signing Newhouse or Bodine last year. Won't even pretend this guy was on my radar, but the feedback from NFL pundits/fans is positive. FO had a plan and are executing. They chased one "premium" name, and I have no qualms with giving a well-regarded, starting center a large contract. Smart moves with the receivers, and Nsekhe is icing on the cake. Agree with the sentiment it gives us total flexibility in the draft: draft Best Stud Available, or trade back and accumulate picks.
  3. Big *if* but *IF* they were able to sign him and D Williams... talk about flipping the script. Last year, JA "protected" by a bottom 5 offensive line, offense had a dearth of playmakers. This year, the line is potentially good, but at least above-average, and the offense would have added a Top 5 playmaker, in his prime... At that point, would the real Josh Allen please stand up? Also, that's fine calculated spending aggression, taking advantage of Allen's cheap years. To temper the eventual letdown, I'll try to convince myself "not in a million years"
  4. Will admit I was never a fan of this, even in theory, but it's intriguing. Talk about giving your young quarterback a playmaker... I doubt it will happen, but then again I never thought this FO would be interested in AB. It's really different this year hearing the Bills be "in" on so many big names.
  5. I think it's a textbook "process" signing. He's a well regarded player and teammate and will (hopefully) show the way for the RB(s) we draft/sign. Another veteran voice in a locker room that is trending younger, and a vocal/example leader unlike McCoy. Insurance if McCoy goes down, otherwise 2/3 RB by committee/game situation. I would guess they supplement by drafting RB later in the draft. They could have gone the "just draft/sign a young guy" route but perhaps they preferred a "known quantity", Gore's age be damned. I doubt the goal here is to get Gore 300+ touches... IMO it's a solid move, fits with their culture, and Gore is still productive.
  6. So, reading the tea leaves, Beane and the FO actually had a plan to sign one of the top 2 centers in FA. They actually had a backup plan if Paradis fell through and no, they weren't settling on a future with Spencer Long as the starting center. Do I assume too much? Well done, Beane, but listen to the posters and go get a D Williams; maybe that's part of the overall plan, too...
  7. I'm happy that at least the Pegulas don't "make the call" in the war room like Haslam has been accused of doing. Unless they do, in which case... make it stop. Terry does seem like the type to let the people he hired do their jobs. I agree that finding the right people is the hardest part whether it's Haslam or Pegula's problem.
  8. "I should've known way back when... You know why, David? Because of the kids. They called me Mr Glass."
  9. Until I've got my dancing reps in I'll just reply here: 60-80% on both as well. They've made mistakes, some head slapping moves in both years have also found some real diamonds in the rough. RE: Beane, not quite sure about his pro personnel operation because I'm not sold on the free agent signings over the last 2 years (and I don't hate Star at all, liked the signing, but agree he's not quite the game changing run stuffing, 2 blocker eraser I was expecting). I am however encouraged by what seems to be their "under the radar" or even scrap heap type pickups (Wallace, Foster). In two years (I know he didn't run the draft in year one, but I'll lump it together) it just "feels" they are hitting on more picks than I've seen with other regimes. I realize this is probably wish-fulfillment type thinking but my hazy memories of drafts throughout the drought were good player here, good player there with nothing in bunches. Contrast to what I think has been a solid 2 draft haul to build the core of a good, young defense, and a potential franchise QB who has given fans hope heading into next year. RE: McDermott, very conservative, but most coaches are. He seems to get the most out of marginal NFL type talents, and motivation is probably a strength. Interested to see if he can learn from and correct his mistakes, there have been some discouraging signs but it's early. Would like to see how well he does with a (hopefully vastly) improved roster/offense. Really seems like a partnership with Beane (what Rex said about Whaley buying the groceries and Rex making the meal, except McBeane actually do this). Let's see how they spend that stack of grocery money this year; I'm onboard with being judicious and rolling what they can into 2020 to set the stage for resigning the core. Excited to see Beane, McDermott, Allen and the defense's progress in 2019.
  10. I realize it wasn't listed, but I agree with the "hands" sentiment... large catch radius type would complement Allen well (who I feel will never be the pinpoint accuracy type). That kind of a receiver is probably a "size" kind of guy, ideally. Before Foster's emergence I would definitely say "speed" type, and even with his arrival you can never have enough of those. But IMO the first type is required, immediately, for Allen's sake.
  11. No sir. Agree with the Cowboys (trauma of SBs 3 and 4 will never ever heal, but the better team/coach simply won). Never really hated the Giants (the one that truly got away) and the hatred for the Redskins faded quickly, I've felt sorry for them through the Snyder era. For some reason the Saints (dirty bounty hunters), although I'd like to see Brees win one more before he retires. And the 49ers from high school rivalry with friends who were fans but the hate has probably faded at this point. I think Rodgers comes off as a bit of a whiny prima donna but I still feel he's an all time great QB (who was probably wasted) and like Brees, wouldn't mind seeing him win one more. But no outright hate or even dislike for Green Bay or any other team in the NFC other than the ones I've listed.
  12. Nice find. I don't think McDermott and Beane are adverse to giving second chances, and I'm sure they do their research to make sure the player is making an effort to be a good soldier. They kind of did the same thing with Foster, using a PS demotion to "wake him up" and it seemed to work. I'm sure if Williams reverts to being a bad apple they will have no qualms moving on. It's a nice move, feels like low-risk high-reward.
  13. Good points about his 40 time but let's not discount the fact he's this giant kid, strong as an ox, and probably has elite speed (for quarterbacks) wearing 20 lbs of pads and equipment.
  14. Cautious optimism. He seems too conservative for my liking but you can say that for more than half of the HCs in the NFL. He does seem to motivate well and has a knack for getting the most out of players who are fringe NFLers. I will admit I was down on him for most of this year but we'll see how he does with a (hopefully, vastly) improved roster. I will venture this: in two offseasons, with considerable churn/jettisoning of non-process players... he's broken down and (partially) rebuilt a quality defense. Run defense not-withstanding, it seems to be the makings of a "modern NFL" defense (stop the pass). I wouldn't say elite, please don't hate, but it definitely has the potential. Credit can be shared, but despite my criticism/skepticism of McBeane they have to get some kudos for: White, Milano, Dawkins (whether guard or tackle I still think he's a piece), Zay (whether a good 2 or 3, the potential is there), Allen, Edmunds, Philips, T Johnson, Wallace, Foster, (maybe) Teller. They lose marks for the some misses as well, and some true head smackers (Nate Dog) but especially on defense, they've built a solid core. Not all of those guys will be pro-bowlers but from limited evaluation, they seem at least like good, young, core pieces moving forward. Keep building out the rest. I'm probably drinking a little process kool aid here but for two seasons, this seems different than what I've seen before. My memory is probably fading with age.
  15. Good game, and go Rivers I hope he wins the big one. And really happy for A-Lynn... the guy is a quality head coach and I like his aggression. San Diego got a diamond in the rough.
  16. As awesome as it would be... wow. Talk about being the "entire offense"! Stats like this would make my created/all 99s franchise-mode QB in Madden blush.
  17. Much like Allen, I'm excited to see what he does in year two and (hopefully) see them both take it to the next level. Also like Allen, I saw improvement during the year, so there's optimism. He has work to do and weaknesses to address but the foundation is certainly there... it's headshaking to consider Edmunds is only 20. Worst case scenario, the Bills have a guy they can probably turn into an elite pass rusher. Best case scenario is something beyond Urlacher, *THE* ultimate "modern NFL" middle linebacker/quarterback of the defense. If Milano bounces back completely from his injury and also takes another developmental step, the Bills will have quite the pair of linebackers. I'll enjoy watching this reality show to see what the result is.
  18. I was very pessimistic on Day 1 of the draft; I'm not a scout and I didn't watch much if any film or tape (is that a thing in 2018) on him... so will freely admit my judgement was formed by the analysts and whatever I had read leading up to the draft. I was unimpressed and becoming depressed before his injury, even with the Vikings game (although that game obviously showed some flashes). Post injury, he has started looking like he can be "it", and I started becoming cautiously optimistic. Now? Yeah, I'm all in. He's obviously not "there" yet, but I think he can get there. His ceiling is sky-high, and I'm still of the belief he doesn't even have to reach it for this team to be successful as long as Beane and McDermott do their jobs and surround Allen with the proper pieces: other playmakers on offense, and a stout offensive line. It looks like the Bills are on the way to building a good, potentially elite defense, and that can only help a young quarterback. I've always been the first to comment to my friends "a running quarterback will eventually get himself killed" and that is still my worry for Allen, but man... the kid is a pure playmaker. Watching him run is hilarious: this giant white kid who isn't even sneaky fast, he's just fast, full stop. I remember being frustrated watching EJ Manuel because I had been told EJ could run and be a playmaker yet I never saw him do anything like Allen has. His ability to scramble, extend, improvise and fling is reminiscent of Roethlisberger, except he's not getting killed out there... yet and hopefully ever. Agreed that he must improve as a passer, but I don't think he's going to be the Brady type and don't think he needs to be, either. He definitely has to improve his accuracy, but for me, it's best to temper expectations realistically and realize he'll never be pinpoint accurate... and that's OK. It goes without saying that pairing this kid with a "catch anything, large radius" type WR (like what Benjamin was advertised to be) will make Allen positively lethal. While understanding the Miami game was not a do or die type game against an elite opponent, Allen still made passes he wasn't making earlier in the year, against professionals whose job is to prevent such passes. I think part of the package will be several throws every game that will be in another area code and will occasionally make you shake your head. He's clearly a process guy, and will try his hardest to become the guy the Bills need... if he doesn't get there it certainly won't be from lack of effort, or off the field stupidity, or ego, or any other nonsense. This is a strange spot for me because for the first time since Kelly... there's legitimate hope (for me) that the Bills have a guy who might truly be the franchise QB they've been searching decades for.
  19. Congrats on a great career to an all-time/Wall of Fame/Pantheon Buffalo Bill. I wish Kyle could have gone to or won a Super Bowl, but finally getting into "the tournament" in his second last season, and playing a part in ending a horrific franchise/league record for futility must count for something. I'm very happy that you he got to walk away on his own terms, and not becoming "an anchor" on the team (something I could never imagine). Also, thrilled for the man as a human being that he's able to walk away before any severe injuries affected the rest of his life. The Bills are weaker in 2019 because of this news, so now it's on Beane/McDermott and the players to step up and try to find or become what Kyle Williams brought to the team. There's no replacing a player of this character or caliber, so for Harrison Philips especially, just be you and embrace whatever you learned from a Bills legend.
  20. He's in decline, no doubt about that, but even still he's been productive this year. We're not really sure if we have his replacement yet; I'm obviously hoping Harrison Phillips can step up but he's still a work in progress. If they can manage Williams' rep count like they are doing this year, I think he's still valuable. Not quite in the tier of Lorenzo Alexander (who has been great most of this year), but still more than a solid player who brings even more in terms of veteran leadership and being a process guy. And from what little coach film I've seen, he truly buys into the team defense concept. Williams working a pick and roll with Hughes to set up a Hughes sack was one of my favourite Kyle Williams career highlights... he looked so happy that the play worked, and didn't seem to give a damn that he didn't get the statistical sack. Hughes was pumped up pointing in Kyle's direction, making it clear that the play was a true team effort. It's up to Williams, but I'd like to see both him and 'Zo return for another year to bridge us to (hopefully) happier days. And yes, go draft both their replacements so they can be mentored up this year!
  21. I feel it's a solid move. It's clearly better than last year's "let's go with Peterman/McCarron to start/mentor Josh Allen" transitioning to "Nate's got this!". He's must be a process guy and I'm sure the Christian thing helps considering McD, but I don't think it would be the primary checkbox. I'm curious if Barkley has been more than a little helpful with Allen's development, but it's nice to have a guy in the QB room who gets it. I don't think it's a stretch to assume that Barkley has been extremely supportive of Allen and has gone above and beyond of what's been asked... getting extended during the season is probably a hint. No, Barkley isn't a world-beater, and if we're forced to start him for an extended stretch we're probably screwed... but can't you say that about most of the backup QBs in the NFL? I can understand why some people aren't jumping up and down with excitement, but for the people who are mildly or seriously annoyed with this move, what's the ask? A veteran backup on the level of Drew Brees? Or let's go young and find another Baker Mayfield? I"m just happy they (apparently) learned from their disastrous handling of the position and got QB2 out of the way, ahead of schedule.
  22. It would be great if they're successful building the O-line in FA, and maybe adding some solid (not "break the bank with giant lengthy contract") type WRs; maybe even a CB to pair with White on the outside. Being able to draft BPA during the draft would be ideal, so here's to hoping they get the free agent O lineman they are targeting. Don't get me wrong, if solid O-line/WR/RB are available, especially during mid to late rounds, please scoop those players up. It just feels that even with a successful free agent class, the Bills will still have many needs so they really can't go wrong during the draft unless they're forced to pick positions based on need. Having said all this, that second CB, a stud pass rusher and another OLB gives this defense the potential to be scary, even terrifying. In a good way, of course.
  23. I have a friend who is a legit Patriots fan from before 2001, he remembers when the Bills owned not only the Patriots but the rest of the AFC. From our point of view, the cheating thing is overblown. I don't think I have to turn in my Bills fan card for saying this. I simply think they were better than us and the rest of the league since 2001. Of course I hate them but it's a respectful hate, wish we had that kind of success. I believe the Patriots' dynasty has made the league a cold, inhuman, Belichickian dystopia where half the coaches try to be insufferable pricks like he is, despite the fact they don't have 1/100th of his accolades. Where the league truly embraces the philosophy of "win at all costs", human element be damned. Even though I don't believe it's cheating, the way they, and frankly the rest of the teams toe and then step over the line is in poor taste. Having said this... the old adage of adversity being the true test of a person's character? 8 straight years of 12 wins or more... Jesus. Those Patriots fans (since 2001) have known nothing but winning on a transcendent scale... they might have been kids when it all started and then went on to have kids whose Patriots WERE EVEN BETTER THAN THEIR PARENT'S PATRIOTS. Satisfaction for these fans is a zero sum game where your team either won the Super Bowl or it was another lost year (despite the fact your team just won 12+ games and probably got to yet another AFC championship game). Without taking anything away from them, it's a good deal to have the other teams in your division (and most of the NFL, for that matter) jettison their coaches, GMs, front office, scheme and systems every 2-3 years. I'm curious to see if Brady's final goal (no matter what he says) of owning every meaningful career QB record is going to be worth it now that he's starting to look and feel his age. Even more curious to see if Belichick will go through trying to find another QB now that he doesn't have a plan B. And most curious to see how the Patriots handle some real adversity, and this year isn't even it. Whether they finish 10-6 or 11-5, they beat some legit teams this year. Next year? Perhaps stumbling through a 9-7 season fractures the tenuous alliance between Belichick - Kraft - Brady and the thing blows up completely. Or perhaps these are the pipe dreams of a deluded Bills fan who has been having the same pipe dreams for 18+ years...
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