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Everything posted by NoHuddleKelly12

  1. While likely, the fact is they are not division winners yet. https://www.sbnation.com/nfl/2018/12/7/18129546/nfl-playoff-scenario-2018-patriots-miss-out-hooray
  2. Well, there is another thread going right now worshipping the Pats and hoping for another Brady SB trophy, so maybe this little gem of yours could be better cut and pasted in over there? ? Brady and Belichick Deserve to Go Out On Top By Gugny, 4 hours ago in The Stadium Wall
  3. Make it a poll and let democracy run rampant! How about “RightJoshChosenPT5P,” or BarkleyBowlesOverJetsPT5P, or McDStarted4QBsThisYearPT5P...
  4. Never really had pimento cheese until I moved down south, and is definitely one of the things I'm glad I've picked up---BTW, also quite savory after a 10-15 sec "nuking."
  5. I absolutely have not forgotten about that tired bickering bills narrative, but it was overblown and ended up being a complete non-issue, per the actual players themselves. I would also note that other than a tough 1989 year where the ups and downs of that season led to some back and forth between some of the players, they put all of that well behind them to jump start the run that they ended up having. Certainly did not end up defining the team.
  6. Classic. Sully's favorite line to re-use is "heroic run" from the Jauron years. This year however, should we win out, has both a different feel to it and would truly deserve the moniker of "heroic run" given all of the issues associated with this season, should it happen.
  7. Really? They hated each other so much, they stayed together for an unprecedented run of 4 straight AFC championships which not even the GOAT has ever replicated (not even 3 in a row actually), 6 AFC East titles and 8 playoff years during that run? They still hate each other so much, they constantly have to hang out with each other willingly at each others' charity functions, or you know, when one of them has cancer and they show up bedside at the hospital? Are you really saying team chemistry doesn't matter, only individual talent, and that was the only thing that team had going for it? C'mon man, you're better than this. Those Bills teams had plenty of all of it, talent, clapping, praying, you name it! Don't try to discount or lessen any of those factors, that's all I'm saying.
  8. It's all about context, and while I normally don't like to give Rodak the time of day, I am appreciative he filled his blog with something useful for a change. ninth best this week...let's stay positive and note it's all trending in the right direction.
  9. Fair enough--I expect you to lead the post game Bills cheerleader type threads then when the Bills win!
  10. This may sound petty, but I think it's his voice that I find grating--always sounds like he just finished wolfing down Thanksgiving dinner for some reason--that sounds mean but I don't know how else to describe it . In terms of overall content for that time slot, I feel like I get better analysis on these boards half the time, but that's just me.
  11. Schopp being out a few days last week was easy on the ears...but for Bulldog who is not much better IMO.
  12. Well said...but in other news while we're on the topic of letting negative things go, when is your current avatar title going to die a natural (or unnatural for that matter) death? Who wants to be continually reminded about that game almost 2 seasons ago now, and IIRC, you were thinking of doing that anyway if the Bills beat the Vikes earlier this year! But do your thing man, I aint hating or anything, lol
  13. I can definitely appreciate where you're coming from with that...and I am now much more aware of Skinner, Eichel et al than ever before which is fine too
  14. With all due respect, wasn't it to be expected that there would be some flak incoming for posting about the Pats during game week, with the motto of letting them get even more Lombardi's than they already have?? C'mon man, I think this was a poking the bear type posting that paid off beautifully--it's definitely a piping hot thread!
  15. I guess it's different for us out of town fans who aren't from Buffalo originally, but again, I do get the "why" part of it.
  16. Not complaining, but this morning was the same thing--on my 30 minutes in the car ride in, it was 5 minutes of Bills with Murph, and the rest was all hockey. Hey, great for the Sabs having a kicka** year for a change! I want to hear about the Bills on a Monday after a game like this...but I get it, it's a lot of airtime to fill talking about only 2 pro teams all the time basically, with a little UB/'Cuse sauce thrown in to keep it balanced
  17. That fact of nobody having brought up Rosen as the better pick in some time is noteworthy in and of itself though, right? Wasn't he the most "pro-ready" of the entire class? Shows just how much any of us could get up there and spout hot air before the draft also, and have just as much chance of being right, as the gifted analysts who are paid handsomely to do so...
  18. Whose side are you on?? Part of being a fan is holding out hope for fairy tale endings! One that is at least in the realm of possibility this time around! ? The same lowly Lions who already dispatched the Pats...got it! I'll take the time to throw however I can get it, right?
  19. Ummm...they’ve hoisted the Lombardi aplenty—to the point where the last thing I’m worried about is bowing down to their egos yet again in the hopes that after this last time, it’s really over. Did anyone care outside of Bills fans, to let the Bills have just one more run at this time getting the ring, because they’d earned it through marching through the NFL the 4 years previous? If the Pats fall flat this time around, I’ll be cheering loudly as I hope everyone else around here will too—they’ve cost me enough angst the last 2 decades to last a lifetime. Of course I can appreciate football greatness, but doesn’t mean I have to like it or ask for more...especially at my team’s expense 2x per year
  20. It’s a little different when you are developing what is hopefully already your franchise bedrock QB for the next 10+ years, that you just selected #7 overall in 1st round, no?
  21. I don’t care about draft position right now. I do care about establishing a winning culture, JA’s confidence (and by extension, that of his young wideouts), and momentum to flash for potential established FA’s so maybe the overpayments aren’t as bad. For the draft, it’s a highly speculative science even in the best of slots (just ask the Brownies over the past decade until finally hitting the lotto this year) and I have a feeling we won’t stay pat wherever we end up regardless. Too many unknowns right now to worry about. Just win baby!!
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