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Everything posted by DuckyBoys

  1. Today's game was a tough one to watch. Like a lot of Bills games it felt like they were just on the verge of losing for pretty much the whole game. While I applaud the defenses effort in securing the win it was not the most entertaining game. Truly a ugly win. I wonder if Tyrod was qb if I'd feel the same or if the impatience to see Josn having the passing game going is taking away from the win. I cant remember a walkoff win where I wasnt pumped up if not at least satisfied. Kudos for them engineering a win
  2. Well whomever Trey is not covering is going to light us up Fuller or Hopkins. They better have that running game going or its going to be a long day.
  3. Holmes should only be a emergency WR Strictly a special teams guy. Benjamin is a slow possession receiver with no hands. Zay Jones I don't even know what to say. No separation and none of them special once they have the football. Expect a similar game plan against Houston
  4. Only works when you have guys who can get down field We have no speed at wr Actually we have nothing at wr to threaten anyone
  5. we simply dont have a passing game Much as its been the past 4 years Unless its a broken play and off a scramble we cant throw it downfield
  6. 1st half MVP the 12 man. Crowd noise kept us in this one. LVP McDermott C'mon man a useless qb sneak followed up by a botched fg .
  7. I take anything these guys say with a grain of salt. What to David Carr, Jordan Palmer, Trent Dilfer, Chris Simms have in common? They all failed as NFL qbs. I sat though dozens of Bucs home games and Trent was horrible. His post games were usually filled with finger pointing and excuse making. They guy shrunk from pressure and was scared to get hit. Bucs had that high pick invested so they stuck with him for way too long . He wasnt any better even when he had arguably the best modern era defense with the ravens along with a great running game they won despite him . Guy could have been put into the 49ers system under Bill Walsh and he would have sucked. QBs who are scared to get him and scared to push the ball downfield rarely if ever fix those traits. Allen hasnt shown any of that.
  8. Figured 6-8 wins somehow like always. Surprised by how little McCoy has done . Long as I see Josh Allen improve week to week I'm happy. Next year Beane better spend the money wisely and make sure they have a plan to keep their good young talent. I don't want this rebuild merry go round to keep spinning forever
  9. slow sloppy route runner with suspect hands How this guy set NCAA records is anybody's guess
  10. yes trade Clay I'm all for it We got bamboozled by the Fins on that signing
  11. 14-10 bills Allen throws a td late for his first comeback win Most fans miss it from taking a nap
  12. Already have plenty of pro and con Allen threads. Please dont make this into an other one. My question is what do this year to help him develop with what they have to work with? What offense can you run with what we currently have that gives a rookie qb a fighting chance to be even modestly successful. The Vikings game we had short field right away several times and Allen made some plays as an athlete not a qb. Do we go heavy personnel and run heavy? Not as concerned about winning football games (were not a playoff contender) as keeping games out of chuck and duck garage time by the second quarter. Obviously having him drop back deep and try and throw downfield with this wr core is a ridiculous proposition Yet were doing it over and over instead of getting the ball out quick
  13. Pretty much what I expected besides the running game being basically non existent
  14. Dawkins is fine Mills has always been horrible. Rest might play better with a few more games playing together. Allen needs quicker throws and the receivers need to be able to create some separation right away
  15. he seems to be accurate when he steps into throws and isnt running for his life Coaching staff had no answer once the game script started to get away from them They panicked early and abandoned the run game. Josh hurt them with the pick at the end of the 1st half Little bit too much hero ball. The most concerning thing he does which I hope they will fix with better protection and him learning trusting his line more will fix is fleeing the pocket to his right needlessly often right into pressure. That game was more frustrating for me from the standpoint of how quick their playcalling turned to throw/throw/throw. Also stop with the play action bombs on 1st down or give him a 2nd option I have yet to see Foster or anyone else get over the safety by more than half a step That is a incredibly low % offense to run
  16. biggest issue I see is when teams bring delayed pressure , instead of picking up the free runner out guards have a tendency to needlessly double a guy who is under control thus opening up lanes for Allen to get smashed. Allen not helping by some indecision (again out wr core sucks so hard to know if a passing lane is there) and also he's leaving a clean pocket too often mostly to flee to his right He's gotta trust the protection and thus far its not happening Run the football and have the vet center call out the protection till Allen is ready too the problems pre snap
  17. the blowouts are when the game script doesnt go the Bills way which is get turnovers and have success running the football. It amazes me that they hid Tyrod's deficiencies by sticking with the run game but trot out a rookie qb with the nfl's worst receiving core (by far) and try to be not only a passing team but execute deep concepts behind a garbage OL. Its like they decided lets find the worst offense to run when you have a bad line and slow receivers with no hands. You'd have to try really hard to run worse scheme and particularly some of the playcalls. You have zero speed yet they love to try low % deep passes when Foster not only can seperate but when he's open he continues to drop or not fight for the football. I didn't enjoy the boring Marrone coached games but he knew what he had and how to try and get wins with it.
  18. not outraged Disappointed Allen didn't even have a shot this week On to week 5 and hopefully some progress for Allen
  19. WR, I think some of the protection issues can be fixed O line not communicating well and a rookie qb who is making mistakes in seeing protection problems pre snap You cant fix no hands and lack of separation
  20. Growing pains, got to grow calluses to deal with it. Defense played all the way through Edmunds made some plays Lewis was good till that late completion downfield O line seems to very confused Seems they are unaware of who is coming Maybe Allen at fault for not pointing out protection
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