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Everything posted by Johnnycage46

  1. Assuming we continue to take care of business this week...based on the other teams we needed to lose...next week is for the playoffs/division. Clinching today is looking more unlikely. Unless of course Stafford decides to stop throwing pics and the Rams D can actually force a stop!
  2. Let's hope this is NOT a trend considering next week's game!
  3. Not upset by this. For some reason our fanbase gets really enamored with project players (Duke Williams, Christian Wade, Antonio Williams). When these types get released people seem so perplexed...it's almost as though the actual coaches and talent evaluators in the NFL know more than fans.
  4. FFS, I would have thought that every Bills fan can look ahead to any game they want and assume a win/loss/tie anywhere they want because they don't have to actually play the games. FFS!
  5. I heard it as Diggs said s#$% my d#$%....which is even funnier for some reason.
  6. These types of positive and TRUE statements are bound to rile up a lot of the debbie downers. So, for that, I thank you
  7. Let's get a 3 and out here and get the ball in plus territory. Can still go up 2 scores at half. Not only are we IN this game, we are controlling it. Have faith ya negative nellies!!
  8. I'm picturing this exchange...folks in the media give a chuckle and then McD stone-faced just looks each reporter in the eyes and says "no, I'm serious, can any of you coach?"
  9. With Dugger being ejected in the 2nd half of the Colts game, does he have to miss the 1st half of the Bills game (I think that used to be a rule or maybe I'm confusing that with college)?
  10. If I could literally pay for a Bills win over the Pats I could go as high as $500.
  11. We should feel good that we won by 17 points. In the NFL that is a huge blowout. It wasn't pretty all the time, but we did what we needed to do to get the W. As far as I know we came away healthy and we are a win next week at NE from taking over 1st place in the AFC East.
  12. Overall good 2nd quarter. Lets get 7 to start 2nd half and cruise!
  13. Dude relax. Even if they get 7. We get ball back again this half and to start 2nd half. We aren't going to shut out every team.
  14. This is rich. Pats fans are the kings of making execuses. Still so weird you would come here and expect us all to agree with you.
  15. Seems to only go one way with the whole coaching thing. Pats do it....my gawd is Billy wicked pissah! Anyone does it to the Pats...its a player performance thing, and the tides, but not coaching!
  16. Take off your fan glasses. Pats undoubtedly came in to stop the run and couldn't. Out. Coached.
  17. Pats outcoached, out-physicalled, dominated in the trenches.
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