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Everything posted by JGMcD2

  1. I think we've only seen interest in Boyd and Dorsey so far. Nobody as requested Frazier yet? We still have guys like Brian Gaine, Terrance Gray, Lake Dawson and Matt Bazirgan in the FO. Joe Brady and Chad Hall on the offensive side. Eric Washington and John Butler on the defensive side.
  2. Unfortunately I feel like we won’t get a response 😔
  3. Would you care to further extrapolate your stance that “he’s been a terrible coach” with some evidence?
  4. Damar’s mom getting to show him all the donations made to his charity.
  5. McDermott and Josh are doing a hell of a job. They’re getting choked up pretty regularly… McDermott fighting back tears when talking about Damar and his mom. Josh with a really nice bit about how getting the positive updates today is a huge weight off their shoulders.
  6. Those evil keyboard warriors worrying about if a guy was alive or dead instead of a football game. Take a pause for a second guy… Damar didn’t even know where he was or what happened. The last thing he remembered before DYING was being in a football game.
  7. He won’t let them down. Despite his initial reaction of being overwhelmed when the incident occurred… he collected himself on the field after the fact. He conducted a prayer and calmly had discussions with the referees/Zac Taylor with cameras on him. Even clips of him in the hallway on the phone… he was composed. I’ve pointed out a clip of Sean McDermott numerous times on here over the years, the clip when the Bills made the playoffs. The one where he tried so very hard to contain his emotions despite the desire to be excited. That’s when I knew who he was… he works SO hard not to get too high or too low. The fact that he reacted the way he did Monday told me how scary the situation was… that’s the point that I broke down. Then in the next shot he quickly flipped the switch back to calm… because he knew that everyone on the sideline needed him to be calm and make the best decision for all of them. The man lives to lead. He lives to serve his people. When the day comes that Sean McDermott is no longer the Buffalo Bills head coach, it will be a sad day. He’s fostered something special.
  8. It could be him. It wouldn’t surprise me if it was… he’s weathered storm after storm (Life and Football) the last 8-12 months. It takes a toll. Being the person everyone looks to is exhausting on it’s own… mix in major events like: Kim Pegula Topps Shooting Matt Araiza Rape Allegations Luke Knox Passing Dane Jackson Neck Injury Micah Hyde Neck Injury Josh Allen UCL Von Miller ACL Game Moved to Detroit Due to Weather Travel Back to Buffalo on X-Mas Eve Canceled Damar Hamlin Everything we know about him says that he won’t give up… the “funny part” is… he created an amazing environment that will support him in the event he is struggling. As he should. Wouldn’t expect anything less.
  9. This is unprecedented. What happened to Damar Hamlin and Kevin Everett are not the same thing. Please do not say that. Kevin Everett was alert and responsive, he did not require resuscitation on the field with all of his teammates watching... Here are the similarities between Hamlin and Everett: They were Buffalo Bills when injured They were taken off the field in an ambulance They sustained life threatening injuries 2 days after Everett's injury he was moving his extremities, was off a respirator and communicating with doctors. You're more than welcome to get on with it but stop expecting everyone else to. It's callous.
  10. A couple of leagues I am in are working through how to handle everything and that’s the conclusion being reached in all of them. Pretty cool others are doing the same.
  11. I think the unique thing in this situation is the trauma associated with watching your teammate/friend need to be resuscitated with you standing there. If Damar had been in a serious accident away from the field, players would still be grieving, but it wouldn’t be as traumatic because they didn’t witness it. First responders, military, etc. are prepared to see traumatic life or death events… football players really aren’t. At some point they will “get on with it” but right now they have a lot to work through.
  12. I get what you’re saying… but this is quite different. His teammates and coaches watched him receive CPR on the field and he’s fighting for his life. It’s not 1 person processing their grief. 53+ players and an entire staff have to process this grief… and if they even want to step on the field again. Rightfully so.
  13. And if they’re not ready… forfeit. If they’re not ready for the playoffs… forfeit. It’s ok… everyone would understand.
  14. Also true… it’s just hard. It’s the same feeling I have right now… not saying it’s what they’re experiencing… but this is how I remember feeling. I haven’t moved since it happened… I’m distraught… similar to how they described the Bills sideline after the ambulance left. You just get lost and don’t want to move.
  15. Been in situations like this as a staff member with a team. Definitely not to this magnitude… but I’ll try and provide perspective. You’re scared and don’t want to be alone. You don’t know where else to go and it’s almost easier to stay there and process things together.
  16. It just looked like “Lord, please let him be ok” over and over and over. I can’t even imagine being down there. He managed to get them all together after that for a prayer.
  17. It was McDermott’s reaction for me. He’s always so calm no matter the situation. He was visibly distraught.
  18. This is the end of the NFL as we know it. Do whatever they need to do. Forfeit. Nothing matters other than this man’s life. Prayers for Demar Hamlin.
  19. Hahahaha this is hysterical. I specifically pointed out how the tweets PRECEDED the posts on the message board 😂 Tweets were on November 13th and the posts were November 14th. When your FilthyBeast handle gets banned here, try to avoid having the same Twitter name next time 😂
  20. Don't worry... it took me all of 3 minutes to highlight it is his 🤣
  21. Hold on... I am going to expose you REAL quick. The tweets from the FilthyBeast79 twitter account are nearly identical to things that you've posted on this board. Here is the kicker... the tweets tend to come out the day PRIOR to your posts on the message board. Let me give an example... links included EXHIBIT A NOVEMBER 13, 2022 5:43 PM on Twitter And unlike last year they won't play a trash schedule in the final 4 weeks. This is a WC team at best which means another one and done on the road in the playoffs. https://twitter.com/Filthybeast79/status/1591924633061949440?s=20 8:30 PM on Twitter I said last year the bills played thier SB in KC during a meaningless early season game when the chiefs were figuring things out early. Pretty much the sequel playing out now as an over hyped team getting exposed. https://twitter.com/Filthybeast79/status/1591966809041039360?s=20 NOVEMBER 14, 2022 3:05 PM on TBD When I posted this last week was hoping that it was a longshot scenario, but my gut feeling has been telling me that this team played their meaningless SB again in KC ever since the 2nd half of the Packers game when things have started to unravel. And if that's the case it's going to cost this team dearly down the stretch because unlike last year there's not a bunch of bad teams to bail McDermott and Allen out. Buckle up because it may very well be a dismal holiday season if this team has truly been owned and exposed as frauds. https://www.twobillsdrive.com/community/topic/243543-a-loss-against-the-vikings-will-reshape-the-entire-afc-landscape-and-playoff-picture/?do=findComment&comment=8042645
  22. Really? I'll just start linking some of your posts that are almost carbon copies of these tweets 🤣
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