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Everything posted by TheWeatherMan

  1. Stupid play calling Run Run pass with miss on 2nd and 9. Just let their D tee off on us on 3rd and 8. Dumb football
  2. If JA does this, the opponent reply’s “yes sir, sorry sir” and promptly walks back to their sideline. So no, he wouldn’t face a punishment.
  3. QB sneak the GD ball. There is no excuse as to why this offense can’t execute a sneak with the biggest bad a$$ QB to ever play the game. Don’t give me the bs o-line sux on short yardage crap, the biggest vag of a QB to ever play the game had no problem picking up the first or a TD on sneaks playing behind crappy olines. Playing 3rd/4th and inches out of the shotgun is as dumb as it gets.
  4. 2nd best QB in the division. Not buying the Tua hype yet. He’s had 1 good game in 3 years.
  5. Lol @ the nervous Nancies thinking Bills were going to lose this game. Stop doubting this Team.
  6. Not a huge fan of the offensive play calling this game. We are clueless on short yardage plays. I’d rather it be 3rd and 6 vs 3rd and 1.
  7. How effing stupid do you have to be to not QB sneak with Josh on short yardage. Stop the GD shotgun snap on 3rd and 1
  8. Biggest improve so far through 2 games is our ability to make adjustment at the Half. Something we struggled with in the past. We only have a +10 first half point differential through two games.
  9. I think Marshawn Lynch still holds the trophy for NFL employee who most resembles a caveman.
  10. Dumb move by Hyde. Shoulda been 15. At least these officials are awful on both sides.
  11. Edmunds trying to end teammates careers SMH. Tackle the guys in white dingus.
  12. Please take challenge flag and timeout responsibility away from McD.
  13. TB played behind a crap OL and had no problem picking up 1st downs on sneaks and he’s the biggest wimp to ever play the game.
  14. You’re telling me that the biggest panzy to ever play QB (Brady), can effective run a QB sneak but the most physically dominate QB in the league can’t? I hate stupid football!!
  15. I hope we got the stupidity out of us for the remainder of the game. We’re the better team but we can’t beat the Titans and ourselves.
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