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Everything posted by ngbills

  1. All about the cost. I would not spend $20M on this pair as they definitely are slowing.
  2. This is a Super Bowl contender. We have already tried the deserved a shot game with Dorsey.
  3. That is what we say about everyone. Yet Daboll is the only one finally did get a job.
  4. It is also funny that we act like Brady was not here for Dorsey's failures. He was part of it as QB coach. Get in some fresh blood. Keep Brady if you want to by giving him a pay bump and asst OC title, passing game coord, or something.
  5. Belichick will be firing him soon.
  6. Was just gonna post on this. Its funny what becomes truths. Cook had just one 100 yard game vs DAL with Brady. He averaged 3.4, 4.4, 2.8, 3.0 and 3.5 per carry in the last 5 games. His yards per carry were consistently higher with Dorsey and he had essentially 3 100 yard games. Oh, but Brady got him involved in the passing game...he had 38 total receiving yards in the last 5 games. The further they got away from Dorsey to Brady both his rushing and receiving numbers went down.
  7. 27 year old Rb, which is getting up there for rb’s, coming off an Acl and is not an impact player or ever been one, getting $5m. No thank you.
  8. Must be Belichick. Only reason to explain why no other coaching changes have been made yet by the Bills. Oh wait…
  9. When can we expect a few firings? ST has got to go for starters.
  10. Well you rarely see 3 receivers in the same space. He seems to run more playaction and move the pocket more. Uses a ton of motion. Not a lot of one read plays.
  11. If there is a guy that can takeover for Diggs and is younger then maybe you spend the money and move on from Diggs the following season. Guys that may fit that are: Pittman Evans (age is getting up there) Ridley Not sure I overpay for any of these three. But on the right kind of deal maybe Evans or Pittman. So if you are then going for a more typical #2 your looking at: Higgins - likely too pricey Reynolds Samuel Brown Chark Mooney See what the market is like and snag one of them or two.
  12. This board is famous for loving what we have. Then when that is gone it is they obviously sucked the new guy is better. Remember Dorsey was an upgrade over Daboll. Then Dorsey sucked and Brady is obviously way better. Remember McK was going to thrive in Beasley role. Then he sucked and Harty and Sherfield were huge upgrades. This offseason my bet is Harty and Sherfield will be gone and whoever is signed is another obviously better move. How many teams with a $50M QB play cavemen football? That is usually saved for the terrible teams that have no Qb and are more concerned with keeping games close. There is something to be said for scoring on a team with just a couple of plays that demoralizes them. Or being able to score quick after a turnover or change of possession. While the long drives can be great in the second half to close out games, your first half should be coming out shooting to let them know they have no shot.
  13. Hines and Harty for $9m. As bad as Klein on Kelce or damar the ball carrier on a fake punt.
  14. Ensminger called 99% of the plays....Joe Brady called "situational red zone" snaps, polished the routes we ran, inserted a whole new language of pedal to the metal NFL terminology which Ensminger immediately adapted; the two completed each other...although the question "could the offense have exploded without Joe Brady?" needs to be addressed. With or without Joe Brady, the 2019 offense was headed in the right direction, dropping 40+ points in the final 3 games, Mickey Joseph, Joe Burrow, Steve Ensminger, the receivers, Thaddeus Moss's return from injury, the emergence of Clyde Edwards-Helaire, James Cregg's offensive line becoming a titanic blockbusting force...all of these elements collided and aligned into the historic juggernaut we (including you Saban) will never forget....Joe Brady became the savvy, smart interior decorator who could show Ensminger and Joseph a thing or two about fashion sensibilities.
  15. Alternatively it could mean that we are not even the second best team but the 3rd or 4th if the team that beats us goes on to lose...
  16. No clue how anyone let alone Sean McD could think AJ on Kelce was a good idea. Completely clueless. Fake punt to Damar, Klein on Kelce.
  17. I agree. The old 6 format or go to 8 (no byes or byes for top 4 (div winners all get byes). Do not like the 1 team getting a bye. Its a long season the difference between the 1 seed in many cases is just luck in what teams you played, etc.
  18. It goes both ways. If the D played lights out in the long run its Allen won x number of playoff games. I think many of the talking heads look at individual plays. The Allen miss to Shakir will stand out as a "he has to make that play". Never mind that the Chiefs likely march down and win the game anyway.
  19. Bill Belichick called and asked "so wait, I get the best QB in the league, can spend as much money and draft picks on D as I want, can hire any of my buddies, and just making the playoffs is winning? This isn't a joke right?" We hear the same thing every year.
  20. People do realize Brady was at LSU one year right? Note even a full year. With possibly one of the most talented football rosters in college football history. I would not place too much weight on connecting LSU and Brady. Brady was well like and an enthusiastic coach that got his players to play. But that was not his offense at LSU.
  21. If we keep Brady and move to a run heavy offense then I will not have a good outlook for the season. Our best player is our $50M per QB. He will not survive a season rushing 15 times a game. I am not sold on Cook being a 25-30 game back. Whoever back #2 is likely not someone worthy of 10-15 carries a game. Our D may take a step back next year given the changes expected. This team is best suited to throwing the ball and using Allen's legs as needed in big spots.
  22. 6 total punts forced in 4 playoff losses...
  23. Our roster with an older Diggs, no Davis, no Harty, no Sherfield...we are only going as far as the WR group. Beane passed on Dhop, passed on OBJ, etc. This is not a year to pass. We need a legit threat as it could even be questionable if Diggs is still a #1.
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