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Everything posted by whatdrought

  1. What do you call it when a bus load of lawyers drives off a cliff? a good start. *buh dum tssss*
  2. me casually waking into a thread: Scott’s Bills hate and negative nancery:
  3. Do you think many would assume you saying you’d give up the 30th pick in the draft for a top 2 TE in the league is a joke?...
  4. He did make one of the best defensive plays for the Jets 2020 season: https://www.buffalobills.com/video/josh-allen-lobs-a-sideline-pass-to-tyler-kroft-for-38-yards-bills-at-jets
  5. I think she was talking about Rudolph. She said they aren’t available anymore. If it was trade talks and now the team is saying they’re keeping Engram, she wouldn’t say he isn’t available- just that it is unlikely to happen.
  6. Our TE room is barren. This pickup is likely just a depth piece.
  7. He got 1 year for 12 million last year and did nothing (due in part to injury) so I’d imagine he’s in the 1 year 6mil range. Not horrible given the value difference between WR and DE. I’d like Clowney at that rate just as a rotational guy cause he’s pretty good against the run, which some PR upside. But yeah, they’re both kind of dudes who seem to have never had the focus and drive to be the great talents they were born with.
  8. This is such a hilarious post. In one part you’re talking about irrationally loving a guy who is consistently unable to live up to his hype, and in the next condemning the same exact situation. I get it, we have our personal preferences, but this made me chuckle.
  9. Agreed. I think if you’re going to claim a source, and that turns out wrong, you should be gone.
  10. That’s somewhat deceptive for the conversation regarding speed as most of those longer runs came from his ability to make guys miss in the gaps (which is definitely valuable) and not cause he got the edge and was too fast for front-7 players.
  11. I doubt he’s realistic for us, but his release helps us if there are any b-market CB’s we had our eye on, as this may drive their price down/take a spot they may go
  12. Beane is on his way to leveraging a great Trubisky camp/preseason to a 2nd round pick from a desperate tram whose QB got hurt and whose coach/gm is on e hot seat.
  13. What the ever living hell is Gruden doing?....
  14. Love it. Hope it’s for cheap, but I’m happy with it. There’s no reason not to have a backup who does similar things as josh on the football field.
  15. Probably a “you’re gone on your terms or on ours.” Type of thing.
  16. No. You could have given one option for each position like you did for TE, or you could have gone completely abstract with three positions and not put Ertz up there.
  17. Let me put this poll into perspective somewhat... “which of these three vehicles do you want?” - a 1997 Nissan Altima with chipped faded paint and a dented fender that runs well and has decently low mileage. - a truck - a van. Asking for people to chose between two abstracts and a specific doesn’t work very well.
  18. They just traded for Gabe Jackson as well. Getting Russ some help to keep him happy... kinda feels like when your mom got the “fun blocks” set from big lots when you asked for the legos....
  19. Also, I understand why we didn’t- but Samuel was the one fiscally irresponsible move I would have been 110% okay with this offseason.
  20. Not to mention the defense getting better with Jackson added, and likely having another season under Del Rio to gel and maximize that talent... it’s a fun team in a division that has been wholly forgettable since 2017.
  21. Antonio Gibson in the backfield, Logan Thomas if he continues to grow? That’s a fun offense to watch. Imma be rooting for Heineke to blow it up and go crazy!
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