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Everything posted by Kaz

  1. Seriously? Sports are littered with super-talented players who can't perform in the clutch or struggle in the big/pressure moment. A-Rod, LeBron, and the 1990-1993 Buffalo Bills spring to mind...
  2. Ummmm...Washington CHOSE to start/play Beck. It's not like Grossman was hurt. And he's just as lousy. And Ryan Torain is Mike Shanahan's binky...he's loved him ever since he had him in Denver. Plus, he's been starting over Hightower the past few weeks regardless.
  3. Look, how this guy practices his faith is his business and should not be subject to our scrutiny. If that's how he sees fit to praise his God, so be it. Just because you don't think it's proper or you think its flashy, tough cookies. That's not your call in terms of his lifestyle, and none of you wrote the book on religion/faith, that's for sure. What bothers me is that people throw the religion stuff onto the pile when they begin attacking his on-field performance, and use it as a quarry for scorn and mockery. People think Christians are intolerent, yet this is the epitome of intolerance.
  4. Well, the sign I'm waiting for is some idiot behind a keyboard to prove my point... Oh, there it is!!
  5. Good choice of jersey! He's as true a leader as our defense has had in a long, long time.
  6. Have a missed something? Is he standing at the mid-field emblem (a la Terrell Owens) and asking a spotlight to be shown on him as he genuflects to God Almighty? Is he wearing a special emblem on this jersey that says "God's Chosen"? I appreciate your take as a fellow Catholic. I just think a lot of the flaming is undue and a little exacerbated b/c of...who knows.
  7. Missing the point, but that's OK.
  8. Lots of people pray other than the 35 minutes they are in church on Sunday. What business is it of yours when and how he does it? Heathen
  9. Preach on, brother. Not to start a hate fest, but it always seems OK to have open season on Christians. You have one little show of reverence or say one thing about Christ having an impact in your life and all of a sudden you are labeled a Jesus Freak or whatever. I like Tebow even more because of his devotion to his God.
  10. The pleated khakis are the best. LMAO!!! Was down in Disney during the Bills' bye week and actually ran into Stevie and family (true story) outside of the Snow White ride. After I got done screaming like a little girl cos...well, it's Stevie Johnson at Disney World, what are the chances?!...I approached him and he was super cool. His Mrs. even offered to snap a pic of Stevie, me and Mrs. Kaz. Much love to SJ13!
  11. According to the FOX 29 webiste (as of this morning), the Bills/Redskins game will be shown at 4pm. But, after the flip-flopping they did last Sunday with the ATL/DET game and the CAR/WSH game, I wouldn't be shocked if they screwed us. It's the Philadelphia way...
  12. We Philly area viewers will not get to see the Dallas/Buffalo game on local CBS because the Eagles play a home game at 1pm that same week. But, I'm not complaining. Between this Sunday's game and next week, that will make three non-sports-bar Bills game for us this year. Keep it up boys!
  13. Not only are you asking for the Thanksgiving Day games to be flexed (which will never happen), but you're asking the NFL to move a game already scheduled for Nov. 13 -- nearly three weeks in advance of Thanksgiving -- to Thanksgiving Day. Other teams be damned!! Ummmm...okay.
  14. I stopped reading/caring after seeing this paragraph. Your "INSANE" turnover differential isn't even accurate. Fitzpatrick threw two picks against the Pats and one against Philly. At least get your numbers straight if you're gonna use them in a pissing match. I don't know what else you want this team to do. Have you observed Fred Jackson's performances this year? I guess having a successful running attack won't cut it week to week. Or how about our O-line play? Or our league-leading INT totals? Pack up your soapbox and move along.
  15. Doesn't Bucky Brooks do an NCAA football blog for ESPN or CNN/SI or something like that nowadays?
  16. Billick is one of the best color analysts in the biz. And Sam is one of my faves in terms of pbp. You guys take this announcer stuff too personally. They don't spend 18 hours a day at TBD, so don't expect them to cover the game like they do. The Eagles and their issues are a huge national story and Vick is always a hot-button persona. What did you expect? Them to gush over the Bills for three hours??
  17. If you remember, T.O. was an outspoken supporter of Fitz back in '09. And, for those of you who keep throwing the 'cancer' word out there in regards to Owens, get a grip and pick a better word.
  18. This, x1,000,000. That's a sign of a good team, no? And it's not like we're squeaking out wins over the dregs of the league. I'll take a close-call win over the Patriots, Raiders and the Philadelphia Vicks. In case people haven't noticed, those teams are good and/or very talented. For a fanbase that has been starved for success, some of us sure have a strange way of enjoying prosperity.
  19. You people asking for a "decisive win" are absurd. There aren't any style points in the NFL. Stop your belly-aching and enjoy the ride.
  20. Sweet setup! Where should I park when I come over??
  21. As a fellow Delawarean, I find it comical that the Eagles/Bills game is getting ZERO coverage on both of the local sports talkers in Philly. The hosts have buried the Birds and the callers either don't care or speak ill of the team. It's basically getting the same coverage as a preseason game. Plus, it's all Phillies, all the time. Indifference has taken over in Eagles Land. Personally I'm rooting for a Chicken Little kinda weekend in the Delaware and Brandywine Valleys: Phillies lose, Eagles lose. GO BILLS!
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