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Everything posted by Kaz

  1. Everyone thought our offensive linemen were terrible during the preseason, also. And, for the most part, they were. So let's wait and see.
  2. According to the NFL coverage map at the506.com, the Bills/Birds game is going to be shown on the local FOX affiliate in San Diego. So, watching it at the hotel (or wherever your're staying) is an option, too.
  3. I just feel like you're doing guys like McKelvin (and most average to subpar DBs) a huge disservice when you allow the QB to sit back there, pressure-free, for 7 seconds to launch a perfect deep ball or pick apart the zone coverage. And, besides, how many times have we seen it this season where even when there is safety help on a deep ball that NEITHER player makes the play!? With that in mind, it's time to start sending the dogs (no pun intended) after the QB, beginning this week with Vick. He's porcelain as it is, so another few hits might do the trick!
  4. Well...yes and no. Much like Chan has done for the offensive side of the ball, it's all about maximizing the level of talent you do have. Player for player, we're light years away from the offensive talent on some other teams. Yet, we were able to lead the league in scoring through three weeks. On defense, however, I don't get the impression that we're putting these guys in the right sort of scheme to maximize their talent level. In the case of the 1990's SB era Bills, you could play any scheme you like and those superior talents would probably find a way to get it done. In the case of this current squad, what are we doing for these guys? Exposing the DBs with a lack of QB pressure. Zero (or seemingly zero) blitzing. Something needs to be done...
  5. Yeah, except you could depend on any of those players I listed stepping up and making a big play when it was needed late in the game, when it mattered the most. Game after game, year after year. That's why those teams were great. And that has zero to do with the scheme or "bend but don't break". That has everything to do with individual talent, and the greatness of Bruce, et al. Anyhow, that player does not exist on this current defense. Not yet, anyhow.
  6. Can't help you with the tix, but that is a great story. Happy Ann'y! And enjoy the game/weekend!
  7. No, you know what worked in the Walt Corey defensive schemes of the early '90s? Bruce Smith, Cornelius Bennett, Phil Hansen, Shane Conlan, Jeff Wright, Darryl Talley, Nate Odomes....etc, etc, etc. Good GREAT players help...a lot.
  8. It's cool for the NFL/Reebok to charge us poor hard-working saps $85 for a jersey that cost about $7 to make, though, right?
  9. Actually, the Bills hosted (and lost to) the Jaguars in the Wild Card round in the 1996 postseason. Kelly's final game. It is understandable to have blocked out that very dark day, though. Now, for my .02 on the topic... Both sides have valid arguments; it's a good topic. But, this early in the season, I'm rooting for as many division teams to have as many losses as possible. Give me the JETS to win on Sunday!
  10. I'll bet 2/3 or more of the people who are outraged over Hank Jr.'s Hitler comment think the "Soup Nazi" episode on Seinfeld is hilarious. That being said, I 100% agree with the notion that bringing Hitler's name into any random conversation -- especially invovling an American president -- is a bad, bad, baaaaad idea. Can't do it.
  11. He runs fast. He should, he's athletic and weighs 210 lbs. Still...he got more pressure on the QB in two plays than we have for the entire season. Still.......damn him!
  12. Andy Dalton ran for the tying TD and then used his legs to converted a crucial 3rd down on the final drive (or so the officials said). Andy Dalton did those things. Red-haired rookie quarterback from TCU. Andy Dalton. And, suddenly, some of you are chalking up a victory over a team which has maybe the most dangerous running QB in league history. One that also threw for over 400 yards against a pretty decent defense yesterday. I'm not saying we can't light it up against this Eagles defense, but don't act like the other side of the ball doesn't exist. If we don't start putting pressure on the passer, the same story will be told week after week. Vick could eat us for supper next Sunday. And L. McCoy is likely a top-5 RB talent in the NFL (if Fat Andy chooses to utilize him). That, coupled with our defensive scheme has me plenty worried. Apparently our staff thinks we have Bruce Smith and Bryce Paup ('95 edition) rushing the passer, so why bother sending a blitz every now and again? Show me a good (not even great, just good) defense that is able to survive by getting ZERO pressure on the QB. Anyone watch the Jets/BAL game last night? THAT is defense. I'm not high on Philly, and I don't buy into this Dream Team nonsense, but asking for them to lose a fourth straight game seems like a dicey proposition.
  13. Obviously I've touched off a nerve. Or you're just having a rough day. Or, option three, you're just a cranky, lonely sycophant with nothing better to do than police people on a message board. But, I guess those are the pratfalls of being so grown up...
  14. It's like the bratty kid who -- in spite of his own better judgment and the warnings of his mother -- kept pulling on the dogs tail. And finally, the dog bits the kid and, the next day, Channel 7 news arrives to interview the kid because he's a "little hero". Baloney like this is what's wrong with the world today. Should this lady have been called the C word? Of course not. But, is she that hard up for the acclaim and attention (Yes) that she needs to keep this thing alive? I mean, do you think Mike Lupica of the Daily News Bob Ryan of the Globe or even Buffalo News super-star Jerry Sullivan have never received venom from the masses for a column they have written? And, in that scathing letter/email/call, do you think they've been called a plethora of offensive and hateful names? (Yes.) I can't recall ever seeing a "column" from one of them rattling off a laundry list of transgressions from their readers. Bottom line: Right or wrong, this lady isn't the first, and surely won't be the last media person to be called a name. If she isn't prepared to deal with the backlash (in whatever form) then I suggest she find a new line of work. The whole thing is insane. And for the indignation of some around here to continue is a real laugh-and-a-half.
  15. Didn't mean to hurt your feelings, sweetheart. How bout this: "Some people root for the Dolphins...and always will. What can you do?"
  16. She did an expert job at cherry-picking the most offensive, close-minded responses, that's what she did. For that, she is a martyr. To be fair, it wouldn't have killed her to print a few of the more thoughtful, engaging emails she received -- of which I am sure there were many. But, some people also voted for Obama...and will again. So what can you do?
  17. Stay strong, my Albany brothers! I dropped an email to this witch: Ms. Gish, I just finished reading your op-ed column about Bills fans in the Albany area. Pretty sophomoric and petty stuff. I used to read drivel like that in my old college newspaper -- and that wasn't a very good publication either. Obviously, your aim is to rag on Bills fans who, for a rare occasion, can dare to dream a little bit and soak up some long-missing national attention. But to what end? Tell me about a fan base that isn't brash or boastful or irrational about their team, will you? Bills fans and the Bills franchise, even in their finest seasons, have found a way to be the butt of jokes from coast to coast. When the team isn't producing a season that is downright awful, they are losing gut-wrenching playoff games (the list is long, as you know). So what if these fans want to raise their voices a bit after two consecutive victories, which have catapulted them to the center of many national sports outlets. ESPN, CNN/SI, Fox Sports and many others have spotlighted the Bills and their players in features and columns without even a seconds delay. Yet, it's completely absurd and ill-founded (in your opinion) for Bills fans of the region to clamor for a bit more coverage in your newspaper? I wasn't aware you worked for the NY Times, Ms. Gish. I have a suggestion, how about you spend a little less time being condescending and a bit more time understanding the pulse of the sports fan. There's a new feeling around these Bills, maybe you oughta turn down your nose and take notice. Mark in Newark, Del.
  18. This is a rare instance where it is completely appropriate for an athlete to be a role model. Beebe's play embodied the heart and spirit of the Bills of that era.
  19. That is a really awesome memory, thanks for sharing! And double kudos for sharing such an awesome song by the Allmans. It made me happy just jammin' out to it at work. Go Bills! Oh, and my .02 on proudest/best/happiest moment as a Bills fan, I would have to vote for 31-0 blasting we gave to N.E. in the 2003 opener. (That was my first ever trip to the Ralph!) But, also the 1995 Wild Card playoff game where we racked up a playoff-record rushing total vs. Miami. I went to school with a lot of Dolphins fans, so that one was ultra-sweet!
  20. Bingo. Likewise Rodney Harrison. Brady is on the NFL/Goodell Teflon list, so no worries. (Keep in mind I hate Rex Ryan), but if Rex Ryan had said something similar he would have been crucified upside down.
  21. I'd be ready and willing to agree, except for the fact that we rocked N.E. 31-0 in the '03 opener...and finished 6-10. And then began the '08 season 5-1...and wound up 7-9. BUT, I do agree that if we're 2-0 heading into the showdown with the Pats, you're looking at a real fulcrum situation (and a madhouse at The Ralph). Confidence is a hell of a drug, and a 3-0 start punctuated by a win over N.E. could turn our fortunes. For a change, I'd just like to see the good karma extend beyond the quarter pole of the season. Keep the faith, and Go Bills!
  22. She sounds like a real sweet girl. Imagine coming home to that nag in 10 years. "You still didn't mow the lawn I see. I thought I married a man, not a lazy bum. You're no better than your crap football team. When are you gonna get a real job with a real paycheck? And clean up your damn beer cans, will ya?"
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