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Everything posted by Kaz

  1. The way I see it: Great slate of games for that particular weekend. I think the obvious game for FOX to protect is the NYG/GB game, thus leaving the Saints/Lions and Falcons/Texans left open for NBC's plucking, should they so choose. Both pretty solid. As for CBS, not sure which game they would choose to protect, but they have a couple of good candidates. Bengals/Steelers is a potentially great matchup, but as a previous poster pointed out, the Steelers are pushing the max on primetime appearances. And, let's not overlook NYJ/WSH, as I could easily see that as being a Nantz/Simms game -- maybe a darkhorse for CBS to protect since you're talking about two mega media markets. As long as the Bills or Titans don't completely fall off the playoff map, I could definitely see that game getting flexed. Though, if I were NBC, I'd be gunning for that Saints/Lions game if I could.
  2. Wait a minute, who is comparing the winning tradition of the Jets to the Bills? I brought up Brady/Belichick. If either one of those guys chooses to be a condescending you-know-what, I will hate it, but I have to deal with it. They have the hardware and prolonged success to back it up. But, I'm not going to sit by and say, "He has a right!" when Bart Scott is gonna patronize any NFL team when the team he plays for is the Jets. Three straight winning years you say? The first of those three, the Jets missed the playoffs after going 1-4 down the stretch with Favre. In 2009, they needed CPR in the form of a gift from Bill Polian's Colts to rally and make the playoffs. And, they haven't been hallowed enough to win a division title or make a Super Bowl in that time. Sorry, I'm not buying it. You wanna whoop it up and giggle on the sidelines after beating the Bills? Fine, you have the right. But, shelve the lecture on "winning". He hasn't earned the right to deliver it.
  3. He's a good player, good for him. But, he isn't playing on a dynasty team, so he needs to quit it with the condescension. Go out and win 13 games in a season, win a division, or make a Super Bowl before you lecture someone else about a winning tradition, OK Bart?
  4. No team is in the same league as the Pack right now. Not the Jets or Steelers, that's for sure. The Steelers are 0-2 against their hated division rival and biggest competitor for the division crown. How do you think their fans feel this morning? They aren't a "great" team. Neither are the Jets. They might have been better than us yesterday, but they aren't in a league too far.
  5. I hear ya, sir. That would be nice. I think we are on the right track, though, which is why I'm not so down-trodden. Yesterday's loss was a real gut punch, but I think this team has the right stuff to rebound mentally and on the field.
  6. Can't say it any better than that. Though, I continue to get a laugh out of these Jets players, talking all high and mighty. It's like Rex has brain-washed them into thinking they've won the SB the past two years. Jets: Zero divisional titles, Zero victories in the AFC title game. Not to besmirch their modest success, but "they ain't won ****."
  7. So wait a minute. Your original post said that "we" (now understood to mean players and fans) talked [explitive] all week and got smacked in the face for it. But, really, it was never the players, just some rowdy, drunken a-holes in the upper tank yelling at Jets fans. Therefore, the deserved outcome of this trangression was the Bills getting thrashed by the NY Jets? We were "good" five times this year, though. Which is pretty "good" over the course of eight games. Do as you like, but I'm thinking you should try not to overreact. I hate the Jets, too, but it's one game. If we win next Sunday, joy and optimism will return to Bills Land.
  8. No. Well...there was that Acme-brand anvil that Bart Scott dropped on his head early in the 2nd quarter...but, otherwise, no.
  9. Give me a flippin' break. If Tom Brady or Bill Belichick had said this, that's one thing -- and I would still hate it. But, Bart Scott? Really? Does he know he plays for the Jets, a team with zero winning tradition? And where is his Super Bowl ring? He's been hanging around Rexy too long.
  10. Good grief, people. Put the microscope away. Fitz sounds like this after EVERY game, win or lose. He had a bad game. Jim Kelly had bad games, too. So does every QB. Calm down.
  11. Not a bad point. I had considered that, as well. But, considering the game's momentum and our field position, I think playing to get the TD was the right decision.
  12. Well, since none of us has the ability to see into the future (I assume), I guess we'll have to go with the eight games already played. Thus, 5-3 and tied atop the division doesn't "suck". Can we agree on that?
  13. A sneak, or... How about Brad Smith???? Why does Chan refuse to use Smith in certain games? I mean, I don't have the stats in front of me, but it seems like he rarely, if ever, gets negative or zero yardage out of the wildcat in short yardage situations.
  14. The answer is, it's both. The offense can't score/execute without the ball, but the defense can't get the necessary rest when the offense is going 3-and-out. Total team loss. Bad TO's, lack of 3rd-down defense, dropped passes, crippling penalties...you name it, we had it. It some ways, it's better to lose a game like this when we were dominated from head to toe than a game like Cincy, where we (and the zebras) squandered it.
  15. Firstly, the Bills don't "suck". They had a bad day. They "sucked" yesterday, but they don't "suck." And, who/where/when did anyone on the Bills talk [crap]? Never happened. Or, do you mean "we" as in this message board? And what does that have to do with anything that happened on the field yesterday?
  16. CBS cannot show a 1pm game opposite of a Redskins home game on FOX. That's an NFL rule. So that's why they aren't showing the Bills or any 1pm matchup on CBS in the DC area. There aren't any good websites to watch NFL games for free. Mostly just shoddy, unpredictable streams that are fuzzy and will drop out at any time. A simple web search will lead you to them. But, you're better off just going to your local watering hole to watch the game...
  17. I was more upset with your dig at Labatt Blue, actually.
  18. You, sir, are a lunatic. I'd wager 3/4 or more of the coaches you think could/would do as well as Levy did with this group would fail and fail miserably. There's more to coaching than gathering a bunch of superstar talents and pointing them where to go. Getting a group of massive egos and larger-than-life personalities to mesh as a cohesive whole for sixty minutes on Sunday and produce winning football year after year might sound easy to you, but the rest of the rational, upright-and-breathing world understands how hard a task that is.
  19. Lighten up, will ya? I'll wager that most of the people at those Occupy rallies A.) don't know what they were supposed to be rallying against and/or B.) told their moms that they were out applying for a job. The OP was just making a funny. Granted not a great one (but still better than anything on SNL over the past 15 years).
  20. It's a sign from God (or Russ Brandon): GET A FITZ JERSEY...AND MAKE IT A WHITE ONE!!!
  21. Had to get your tweezers out for that one, didn't you? A .277 average and a sub-.500 SLG for a future HOF player isn't exactly fodder for the marquis. Can't deny he's been the goat many a series in the postseason, though. Even a Yankees fan would have to admit that. But, you are right. He had a few very good postseason series. That's kind of getting away from the point of my statement though...
  22. I can't recall the last time I was this nervous/excited for a non-Opening Day game. The butterflies in the stomach are already at work!
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