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Everything posted by Kaz

  1. I think 10-7 against Denver in the Jan. 1992 (1991 season) AFC Title game deserves consideration, as well.
  2. This whole thread is crackin' me up, but this one takes the cake! I wish I could just not care or get so pissed off, but it's kind of hard when you look forward to football season for months upon months. Furthermore, I wish I could take solace in the fact that we're the league's worst team and, therefore, will get the top pick in the next draft. But we'll just bungle that up like so many previous drafts. Talk about a complete a total nosedive for this franchise. Maybe we have to totally bottom out before it gets better? I dunno...just trying to rationalize.
  3. That was one of the many games that I immediately thought of. But there are just so many. It doesn't have the same correlation that the Harmon game does (ie the pronounced goat, virtually costing us the game), but I thought of the game from November 1998 when we lost at Foxboro. Remember the "Just give it to 'em" game? When the Pats first got that B.S. spot/first down and then Henry Jones gets called for pass interference in the endzone on a Hail Mary? In terms of a regular season loss, that one stuck with me more than any other...til this one. And the Dallas game from two years back. In terms of awful non-SB25 and non-Music City historic Bills playoff losses, an very underrated gut-wrencher was the Wild Card loss to Miami in January 1999. Reed getting called for bumping the official after getting the ball to the one-yard line. And remember how that game began? Moulds getting stripped from behind when it looked like he was streaking towards an 80-yard TD. I digress...
  4. You usually don't win by turning the ball over three times - espeically when one of those directly leads to seven points for the other team. Or does that need to be said?
  5. My thoughts exactly. He needs to be the next addition to the "Out with the old, in with the new" brigade.
  6. So, the Bills defense gives up a paltry 74 yards rushing and only 256 total net and all of a sudden they suck? If you're selling, I'm not buying. We gave up three scoring drives. Yeah, I was pissed-off not getting heat on Pennington, but no one ever said we were the Steel Curtain. Yielding 21 offensive points to a team like the Jets should be enough for a victory, especially at home...and the way we were moving the ball. I agree 100% w/ the guy earlier in the post who suggests had we taken advantage of field position and opportunity earlier in the game, those three drives we gave up to the Jets would have amounted to garbage. You cannot turn the ball over three times and squander field position deep inside oppositon territory and live to tell about it. This is the NFL...you don't win or lose by accident. Unless you're the Giants, that is. I beg your pardon, but blaming the defense for this loss is almost as foolhardy as blaming JP.
  7. Yeah, but at least NFL Network carried their game LIVE on Saturday night... That aside, GOOD JOB Bills fans! We're leading the vote by 4%. Way to go!
  8. I know being a "Hall of Famer" has given you big stones, but put down the sarcasm pipe and think about this for a moment. Yes professor, it is given that the coaches know more than anyone on this board. May we progress please? Now, by reading all of Jauron's quotes the past couple days would give the impression that he's still unsure who will start this next game. So, number one, I doubt the question this thread is totally unreasonable - which is the impression I get from the throngs of "Dude, J.P. f@#*ing rules!...and if you don't think so, go root for the Browns" crap. Number two, it's very likely had Nall not missed some time w/ injury there's a very good chance he'd have A.) already started one of these past two games or B.) already clearly surpassed Holcomb - a status he may already have arrived at, as it is. I'd list C.) as fiercely challenging JP for the starters spot, but such a notion might cause mass hysteria amongst among JP Lovers. Why is everyone so dead-set against giving Nall a start? Are they scared their Losman jersey investments might diminish if Nall plays well and...*gasp*...wrestles the job away from Losman? It's not the end of the world folks. May the best man win the job. But, let's find out who the best man is first. That's all I'm saying. I'm sure the coaches - who, again, know more than me - wouldn't mind getting to the bottom of that, as well.
  9. I'll preface this by saying that I'm not down on JP based on his performance last night. BUT... How will we know what we've got in Nall if we don't allow him a chance to start against the other team's first-string defense? It's not "all about JP" as some like to pretend. It's all about the Bills getting the right QB behind center on September 10th. JP had a whole half to play on Friday - and that was the right thing to do. Yet, doing that again and only giving Nall fourth-quarter scraps is not going to help clear-up the muddled picture. Thus, my vote is to give Craig the start next week before we automatically usher JP into the driver's seat...
  10. Is this a serious question? Absolutely no contest. I'd choose Brady Quinn every day of the week and twice on Sunday. Quinn has the make-up of a franchise QB for years to come (the Tom Brady comparisons are too easy, though Brady was never this good in college). Maybe this QB soup we're in the process of making for this season isn't the worst thing, after all. If it nets us a primo draft spot and, ultimately Brady Quinn, I'll look back quite fondly on 2006.
  11. Seriously, gang, what exactly does Tony "Master of the Obvious" Kornheiser add to these broadcasts other than, "Man, that was a bad play, dontcha think, Joe?" Erm...I can basically get that from the half-slumbering drunk at the barstool to my left. It all comes down to the networks believing the viewers can't handle anything other than the boorish locker room antics of things like The Man Show. Let's see, we have some wisecracking nitwit columnist who doesn't know a right tackle from a tackle box and then you've got two chicks on the sidelines giving reports - fodder for sexual debates amongst depraved bloggers. I mean, all we need are some midgets on trampelines. Hmm...maybe I oughta work for ESPN... I don't know about you guys and gals, but I tune in for the game first and foremost. Now, as someone in the broadcasting field, I admire a tight, entertaining, lively crew - and think it essential. No one wants to listen to Ronnie Lott or Joe Montana for four quarters. But, I draw the line at guys like Dennis Miller or Kornheiser who are there purely to fulfill some network execs cross-promotional fantasy, all the while clogging up the broadcast with their non-sequitorial gibberish about how Art Shell would look in a speedo or who would win in a fight: SuperMan or Randy Moss. It's gonna be a long year on MNF in my humble opinion.
  12. Kyle Williams is going to be a real nice player for us. Comes from a great defensive program (LSU) where he was a leader in both word and action.
  13. Ummm...how come no one mentioned that Gates was limping after the play?
  14. By the way, how many friggin' preseason games does Gus Johnson do during the week??!! He just did the Eagles TV network on Thursday. What a media whore...but he's good. Oh, so good...
  15. You want to blame someone? How about Mike Mularkey. You think he might want to simplify the offense just a tad when you're third and long with your ass to your own endzone? The WR wide to the left of the formation - I don't recall who it was - was being give a solid 7-8 yards of separation by the DB. How bout instead of sending everyone on 15 yard pattern downfield when TB is obviously going to blitz, you call for a wideout screen, ie put the ball in the hands of a playmaker and not depend on JP to make a big throw or play. Take what the defense is giving you for crying out loud! I mean, you have a young QB looking like a deer in headlights...help him out PLEASE! I dunno, the entire gameplan on O just seemed out of sorts. I give TB a lot of credit to doing what they set out to do (ie take away Willis; make JP beat you), but our play-calling was for the birds. Too much downfield stuff which takes much too long to develop when you've got three guys in your face consistently. I was having 1997 flashbacks yesterday ps...to be fair, I suppose I should have said Clements instead of MM...but, I ultimately blame the head coach about stuff like this...it's his staff
  16. Is anybody REALLY worried about the standings in September? Yet, I continue to read, "Well, I don't want Miami to win 'cuz they'll be tied with us in first." DUH! Let's be honest...the Dolphins aren't anything to worry about this year. And, as lousy as the Jets looked, they're a potentially more dangerous team than the Dolphins as far as the playoff chase is concerned. Hell, the Newark Star-Ledger predicted the Jets to go 12-4 this year (another reason to hope the Jets lose to Miami on Sunday). Any number of losses for the Jets to get early on is only better for us if we're to be a playoff contender. Just one less team to worry about. That is, unless any of you are really concerned about Miami making noise this year.
  17. Along with Ronnie Lott, I think Joe Montana was the WORST studio analyst EVER! One of the quintessential "I got hired because of my name" deals. I still think he had some cobwebs from that hit in the '93 AFC title game.
  18. So, I guess it boils down to not playing to not play to get hurt. I get it.
  19. I don't Kelly Holcomb is any worse than say...oh...Trent Dilfer (he might even be better...) But, I digress... I think JP is our man. KH should only be used in case of necessity.
  20. You guys are insane. Gus Johnson is one of the best young broadcasters in the industry. I think he does as good a job as anybody w/ CBS's football coverage...Ian Eagle is good, as well. But, yeah...Gus is great. He's a blast to listen to during the NCAA hoops tourney...very 'into' the games...not a stiff...not corny. I don't see what the problem is. Now, Brent Jones is a different story
  21. That's quite sad. Who will entertain all the young players in the locker room with card tricks now? Good luck to Jon.
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