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Everything posted by Lfod

  1. What you say is fair and I don't disagree. This discussion about Peterman or Anderson will dissapear when Allen is back. I think the reason Peterman is even in the discussion is because Anderson didn't get the job done. I honestly don't believe in either of them and I'm not sure Tom Brady can make this offense run. I'd have to see it to believe it.
  2. I understand that Peterman is prone to throw interceptions. I can admit that he can be a liability but his detractors can't admit he looked good in preseason and leading a touchdown drive when Allen got hurt. I respect you don't like Peterman but don't expect me to take anybody serious if they think Anderson is anything better. The guy crapped all over himself at the end of the game. At least Peterman has a TD drive. Don't tell me Anderson is anything better that's a joke, he is as just as much a liability to the team. His interceptions look a lot different? Don't tell me Peterman never had drives. The same guys so adamant that Peterman is hot garbage also thought that the Browns would be tearing it up with Tyrod because he will have all these weapons and now he's riding the bench. Most likely Anderson will start and crap the bed and some of us fans have more belief in Peterman than Anderson and I guess that's to bad for the people that don't like him. I like McDermott but I lost a little respect for him when instead of supporting Peterman he pulled out to early and at the end of the day no choice has been made to address the situation. How about they actually install a QB that doesn't actually make us consider Peterman again? Anderson isn't that guy.... At the end of the day we blame the QB but the running game isn't going to carry the team while a QB finds his rythm and that is a serious problem. The fact I dont sweat a Mcoy injury because the run game is weak anyway. This offense sucks and your scared Peterman will make it look bad. It's to late for that. Doesn't matter who plays QB for the Bill because they will be handicapped by the team around them. Keep yucking it up about Peterman sucking while your man of the street gets bent over and face planted by the Patriots.
  3. I was still hoping something could happen this season to build on and it wouldn't be a complete throwaway season.
  4. I mean if your going to start Anderson to avoid the heat from starting Peterman it needs to be better or it will look just as dumb as starting Peterman would. It looked pretty dumb to me.
  5. The what if threads are not annoying at all.
  6. It's because the roster they inherited is the same one that got the last coaches fired.
  7. I figured they only brought Anderson to avoid the circus that starting Nate Peterman brings. I wasn't expecting much but if your going to bring a guy off the street to cover your own butt over Peterman, the guy should be better than 4 turnovers and a field goal. With 4 turn overs and a field goal please tell me how much of a difference it was in not starting Peterman. Other than the happy fans that hate Peterman not having to see him play. We actually got blown out more then it would of been if Allen was in playing. Hey Allen try learning from this vet that isn't as good as you and has a worse game then you would have.
  8. I'm just waiting for Josh Allen to come back. I don't think Anderson is any threat to his starting job if this if he can't produce TDs. 4 turnovers on him.
  9. Anderson crashed and burned today. At least Peterman came in at the end of a game and passed for a TD before he crashed and burned. A TD pass makes all the difference.
  10. I'm not sure about massive upgrade. He was QB in games the Bills offense got completely shut down. Although I agree that he wasn't the problem and he wouldn't turn the ball over compared to Peterman did or Anderson performance today. I'm thinking the offensive woes go well beyond just a change at QB. The offense was bad coming into the season. It should not be that big of surprise they still are terrible. I feel like it's the same stuff different QB.
  11. I wasn't wrong about Tyrod. I said he would be on the Browns bench before the end of the season.
  12. I've always been a Peterman guy. I don't think the question is who I want to start. So I voted Anderson.
  13. How much worse is the passing offense? Enough to really feel sorry for being wrong?
  14. He turned the ball over 4 times and lead the offense to a field goal. It was a bad performance.
  15. I have no last straw man. I'm no bandwagon fan.
  16. They always forget the part that Peterman threw the TD pass. Something that didn't happen today.
  17. Reminds me a lot of last season. You know like the playoffs....
  18. I was thinking that he would at least have a TD pass.
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