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Everything posted by Lfod

  1. We always knew Gilmore was good. Going to the Patriots almost ensures a Superbowl ring so that is no surprise. McDermott's defense was doing very well without him. I don't feel like we need him right now. Watkins is looking good recently. His fans been waiting a long time to say I told you so. After so long you can finally feel justified. All the Bills have needed since McDermott took over was an offence.
  2. Last week they called him Josh Peterman and called for the backup.
  3. I think the team can pull off 9-7 easy.
  4. The Bills hadn't made the playoffs in a long time. The team was undergoing management changes. McDermott had the defense on fire but the offense straight sucked. Sometimes situations just suck to be in. Peterman didn't start because he was amazing. That was wishful thinking. He started because nothing else was going on. Peterman blew his opportunity in Buffalo for sure, but it wasn't that great of an opportunity if you are being honest.
  5. At the time Peterman was around he offered me something as a Bills fan. He was entertaining, sadly it had to be in a train wreck sort of way. I was bored with Tyrod. It was like watching paint dry. I told myself I would rather see some one throw a ton of interceptions if my only other option was to not see the ball thrown at all. True to my word I backed Peterman up until he was gone because it was more entertaining for me. It's good to see him being a preseason hero again. I think most people who hated Peterman liked Tyrod and we're not bored like I was. At the end of the day they both moved on out of buffalo, so it's the Josh Allen show for now. It definitely is tiring to put your beliefs into people who let you down. Until someone steps up it's the only option I have.
  6. I don't think Jim Kelly would be a deciding factor in how Josh Allen pans out. If he has some tips and tricks about how he was successful in the past it couldn't hurt to share them with a newer QB. I would just give a warning. If you talk about collaboration and it fails people most likely put the blame on Jim Kelly even if it was a minor mentoring thing. You will just end up hurting your reputation.
  7. Zay Jones did have that ugly incident. He hasn't exceeded any expectations to my knowledge. If it wasn't Buffalo, a team lacking in established names at WR you might be thinking the same as OP. The situation the team is in I can see second and third chances getting given to talent that hasn't proven anything yet. That's why I would disagree with OP. Buffalo isn't known for talent at WR...
  8. I'm optimistic. As a fan I'm excited to see how things turn out. I'm still expecting he struggles to be real. I'll be around on game days cheering for the Bills.
  9. I'm hoping it comes together this year. It's our time now.
  10. I moved to Singapore and got married. Been here 5 months and it's beautiful. Still in the process of immigration myself but my plan is to stay. Just figured I would sound off since I can kinda relate to being far away.
  11. St. Doug and shame on you for not giving it as an option.
  12. I don't think they have very long to close the competitive gap. This season was two steps back after taking one step forward in my view. I'm in the same boat with people that think next season is the deadline to look like a competent team.
  13. You should go find him and beat him up if you don't like him that much. I put my money on him face planting you. I get that people didn't like Peterman but sometimes you make yourself look like bigger losers than you think he is lol.
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