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Everything posted by RiotAct

  1. KC-BUF is gonna be a close one , book it. I’m not scared.
  2. Al Michaels (after deacribing all of the social justice stuff that took place pre-game): “...and then they got to work!”. 😂🤔
  3. wait really? Granted I missed the first 7 minutes of the game, but I think they’ve been doing a good job not talking about that crap.
  4. oh man Bill O’Brien looked PISSED!!! Did you see that, guys?
  5. that night was 20+ years of horrible primetime game demons being exorcised.
  6. Secret Service members vs. a bunch of pimple-faced idiots. Should go well.
  7. well, you’ll still be able to see for all but a couple games (as most of our games are on CBS again this season)
  8. agreed. That’s the reason I dislike the Sunday Night Football broadcast so much. Fox is also bad, but not nearly AS bad.
  9. agree 100%. Most of the best musicians are flaming liberals. Well, most musicians in general... 😉
  10. hopefully they don’t show any replays of the Texans’ playoff win over the Bills, I don’t know if I could take that.
  11. nah, just when the BLM morons and pimple-faced teenagers started acting like petulant children.
  12. same here. The Smurf slumber party look just doesn’t work.
  13. Not to beat a dead horse, but... https://www.wivb.com/news/local-news/options-for-fans-still-looking-to-see-the-bills-in-person-this-season/?utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=socialflow&utm_medium=referral&fbclid=IwAR2w3NOG8cl3GJ4rBYq2_Am3qa09oave2lonuD7rIoO16U_u6QP03oAuR3A New York State guidance for professional sporting events currently requires they be played without fans in the stands. It’s unclear whether the state would seriously consider lifting that restriction by the time the NFL season ends. “We’re just listening to the experts,” Hochul said. “We have not been through a pandemic before. We have to listen to the medical experts.” It ain’t happening this season folks... pack it in.
  14. 5 and 9 are going to sink Trump’s ship, most likely. (Insert Texas boat parade joke here)
  15. yep white on white. It’s basically a slickly-edited video which shows all of the possible color combinations in rapid-fire succession with some dramatic music, and it ends with the white/white kit.
  16. when you’re talking amounts that high, it’s the difference between your great-great-great grandchildren being set for life, as opposed to “only” your great-great grandchildren.
  17. we should get a CBS Week 1 Bingo card going. — Chris Hogan’s lacrosse prowess — Shot of Niagara Falls — Shot of chicken wings being sauced up — Mention of how these are “unprecedented times” — Allusion to how the league/team/network hopes that fans can return “very, very soon” to all stadiums — closeup of the social justice messages near the endzones — Clip of Wide Right (just because!) — Clip of Willis McGahee’s college injury (‘cause why not!)
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