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Everything posted by TheBeaneBandit

  1. Or give Allen huge lanes to throw through from play action🔥 Not to mention Allen would have more running lanes off play action too!
  2. Style wise it seems like Henry would be an awkward fit.....but man if they made some tweaks and fit him in the results could be glorious, even if it's just for a couple/few seasons.
  3. I think "most" understand something like that would have to go like that for this to happen.
  4. I'm not against this, but I do also believe Brown probably surprises many here. I know how much back problems can hinder you and the dude had back surgery and never got to train for the season. We shall see on him and one way or another they will bring someone in.
  5. Like I said if free agency doesn't add competition they definitely will probably focus on the draft in rounds 2 or 3 imo.
  6. I think Brown steps up but if someone to compete with him in the draft is BPA I could definitely see that happening.
  7. I'm not very encouraged by either. We pretty much know Dotson and by the time Bernard put on enough size idk that he'd be fast enough in these modern times.
  8. LG is cool now go and sign Seamalu or Risner for RG and have Bates as the interior backup to all 3 spots. I would feel pretty darn good going into the draft if that was our online.
  9. My only concern is his health at his size but I'm actually excited about the guy.
  10. Well the good news is anyone on that list we want to keep we could pretty much get at vet minimum.
  11. I liked Campbell too but hopefully this new guy from the Saints does what Campbell would of. His highlights were electric so we'll see.
  12. I think this would be a very low prove it type deal if it even happened. But I haven't seen the guy play recently so I'll trust most of the folks around here. Is his injury the type you can eventually get back from or is he in the junkyard?
  13. You would think a team trading for Oliver would be ready with an extension.
  14. Do a 15m with incentives sprinkled in just get one of the big 3 being floated around in here. Hop, Jeudy, or OBJ in that order let's go.
  15. Teams like Pittsburgh and Baltimore turned those picks into great players all the time. I understand it's not the norm but that's what the good teams do. Cam Heyward, Pouncy, Reed, Lewis the list is long.
  16. It might be time to allow the top men from Indiana Jones to take over free agency. Top. Men.
  17. Still need another alpha type receiver. Diggs is too easily taken out of big games and the supporting cast just isn't strong enough.
  18. We about to lose out again....don't worry Beane is Harry Potter lol
  19. Well all I know is wake me up when Diggs makes his mark in the playoffs. Yeah, that's what I thought. A bold move is absolutely needed.
  20. Could still even draft Hooker or the Georgia QB in the mid rounds too.....
  21. Still need 2 more solid players either by sign or by trade to qualify free agency as successful.
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