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Everything posted by TheBeaneBandit

  1. Didn't even know trades could begin yet. Solid move for the Jets.
  2. While true imo, the right guy could improve the D in other ways....run stops, blitzing, etc...
  3. Agreed these contracts are just gonna get crazier and crazier.
  4. To be honest we basically played the whole year without White he just wasn't anywhere close to 100%. If he regains his form and Elam takes a nice leap that will allow much more flexibility for the D. Will McD evolve or go moldy like bread.....?
  5. This right here. But they gotta get a few clear upgrades, not band-aids.
  6. I would honestly probably do this. Probably need to get bigger on the inside anyways.
  7. I think you can still draft him late and rehab him this year. Could really pay off later imo. Do we have a 6th round pick? I would probably do a 6th if we have one.
  8. Would players like these two just be wasted in our current scheme? I don't know if either is a full-time three down DE.
  9. Idk man Meyers from ND could be a rich man's Heath Miller....imo.
  10. I think he has to free up some cap space and at least sign 1 absolute upgrade (preferably RG) fairly quickly and land a couple guys who could compete for playing time at other positions.
  11. I'll add (and another poster mentioned this so not taking credit) maybe trade for Shaq Mason from the Bucs (they need cap space) and even extend his deal another year or two. But like you said we're all just throwing darts in the dark until free agency shapes things up a bit.
  12. Unfortunately I think the Titans know that too and wouldn't do that trade.
  13. The dude can play. I'd be pretty pleased if he was the pick.
  14. More trauma for us all to overcome 😆. On a serious note, he's my number one free agent target as well.👍
  15. I do use many lite products as I am on the heavy side😆. I'd have no problem with him as the pick.
  16. It was only a matter of time til one of these weirdos made their way to the draft 🤣
  17. Love this plan/strategy! Lots of good options/fall back plans. 👍
  18. Me too but a dark horse type selection could be TE if either Kincaid or Meyers is available from a run on WR's. We would have a pretty lethal 2 TE set with either of those guys.
  19. Perfect. You could also trade Davis for Seamalu from Philly too.
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