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Formerly Allan in MD

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Everything posted by Formerly Allan in MD

  1. Play them the first quarter. And if there not on the field very long, a bit of the second quarter.
  2. Good, But we still have to make Duck uncomfortable and stop Conner.
  3. Portis attempts to provide color on Redskin broadcasts. He fails miserably. Hopefully, he's now history.
  4. This is exactly why we have to collapse the pocket! It happened once, which is ridiculously too few times.
  5. We need to come up with another LB like him. Alexander won't play well forever.
  6. Yes, but does he want to come back to a team that snubbed him. He knows he'll have other options.
  7. Has Hodges faced much pressure in the limited time he's played? We should attempt to find out how that works out for him. But our conservative defensive approach is just that, and we'll have to be concerned about their top running back returning. Just win!
  8. Someone needs to advise him that returning kickoffs from the end zone when you pretty consistently can't get beyond the 25 is not a good idea.
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