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Everything posted by Buffalo03

  1. I don't think Allen is ruined. He's just not very good
  2. I don't know why people keep posting or talking about stuff like this. We're not drafting another QB early next year. We may get a mid to late prospect but we are not taking one in the first round
  3. I actually don't have an issue with Daboll. Far better than Rick Dennison last season
  4. Thank you. I was thinking the same thing lol The Texans are the only team the Giants beat and the Giants look sorry as hell
  5. What are the odds the Cheats lose tonight to KC and next week to the Bears? It would be fantastic to have them be 3-4 going into that Monday Night game against us
  6. You do realize if we win today that we would be .500. No reason to think the season is over by any stretch
  7. If we can get wins this week and next week in Houston and Indianapolis, we can be 4-3 going into the Monday Night game against the Cheats with first place on the line. The Cheats have the Chiefs tonight and the Bears in Chicago next week. I can easily see them losing one of these next two games. It would be amazing if we beat both the Texans and Colts and the Cheats lose to both the Chiefs and Bears, though I don't think they'll lose both. The Dolphins have been blown out the last two weeks after a strong start and the Jets don't seem like a team to worry about. It's definitely gonna be interesting these next two weeks
  8. I don't even think TO was as bad as he is
  9. A vet QB that went 2-17 for 23 yards against our very team when he was with the Browns. We should have tried to sign Matt Moore
  10. The funny part is if we cut Benjamin, Robert Foster and Andre Holmes right now and replaced them with 3 free agents Dez Bryant, Rishard Matthews and Jeremy Maclin and made them our 3 starters right off the bat, our receiver core would be so much more improved. All 3 of these guys are much better than what's on our roster
  11. Vrabel is so mad about losing to the Bills that he had to cut the guy. Not sure if that happens if we were a 5-0 team lol
  12. I know it's way to early to be talking about the draft for next year but considering we will have to wait until next year to improve our offense anyway, which player would you rather have? Bryce Love could be Shady's replacement or Anthony Johnson could be that receiver that this team so desperately needs and he's right in our own back yard. I would go with Johnson personally. We need offensive playmakers with that first round pick next year
  13. The NFL should at least go back to a 15 minute OT quarter then. This 10 minute thing is causing the chance of way to many ties. 4 teams have a tie already and yesterday the Raiders and Browns game came down to the last two minutes of OT and the Texans beat the Colts with :03 seconds left in OT. The 10 minute OT quarter doesn't work in my opinion
  14. I personally don't think a QB can be ruined. If Josh Allen is good enough, he will never be ruined
  15. Seeing as how there seems to have been teams being close to a tie or two in every week this season it got me thinking, why not just play until there's a winner in every sport? Hockey did shoot outs why can't the NFL do something where instead once OT is over that they just give each team 4 downs at the opposing team's 15 yard line with basically 4 chances to get it into the endzone. If the first team doesn't score then the other team takes over and it's basically sudden death at that point as that has the same 4 chances and it just goes until a team scores and wins. I hate ties. No matter the sport there should always be a winner. If I was a fan that went to a game where we tied. I would hate the hell out of it
  16. Awesome, now the Bills are gonna win. Thanks man. Can you do the same against the Packers next week to?
  17. He's a CB so you know McDermott and Beane are drooling. They love their defensive players
  18. I called this earlier this week. Saying that people would be saying that he isn't the answer already. I didn't expect all the Mahomes comparisons though
  19. Yeah, Joe Thomas was better. Tyron Smith is very good as well but like you said, still very young and still has a lot of time left in this league
  20. I forgot all about Joe Thomas. It's Joe Thomas for me all the way
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