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Everything posted by MJS

  1. Spotrac projects 3 years $44.75 million ($14.9 million per year).
  2. I think the primary issue is his attitude. There's something wrong with him and it impacts his play on the field. He is an extremely emotional player. When the emotions are high, he is unstoppable. When they are low, he barely shows up.
  3. I remember that picture. It was for a sprained ankle that he didn't even miss time for. What a baby.
  4. Noah Brown or Josh Reynolds at receiver. Then we draft a guy to compete. Devin Duvernay as a depth receiver, but also for returns. I'd bring back Daquon Jones and Cam Lewis. Also Dane Jackson since we cut Tre White. Ty Johnson would be good to bring back. He's a good 3rd RB.
  5. I don't see the point, personally. He's the kind of back that needs volume to be at his best. He isn't going to get that in Buffalo.
  6. Ok, but that doesn't factor into his trade value.
  7. Did any other teams have lower picks than expected, or just the Bills?
  8. What's the formula for determining these, anyway? I understand the net loss aspect, but not how they determine the round, etc.
  9. Not really. Safeties traditionally have been one of the lesser paid positions. There were a couple years recently where a few of them got way overpaid. The difference between safeties and running backs is that running backs have a very short shelf life.
  10. Bills already do what they can. They have top notch facilities and equipment, they monitor reps, give rest days, are conservative with recovery times, etc. It mostly comes down to bad luck.
  11. Plus, we usually have a game or two when the refs refuse to call interference and holding, and having small receivers really makes those types of games impossible.
  12. I expect the Bills to be a contender and to have another shot at a championship. Remember: Expectations - Reality = Dissappintment. Keep your unrealistic expectations in check and you'll enjoy your fandom much more. You can hope and believe that a championship is possible, but to EXPECT one is just foolish.
  13. Epenesa would be fine to bring back if someone doesn't pay him. But, I doubt it. Jones would be good. None of them are critical, though.
  14. It's amazing how little he has done in the NFL these past few years.
  15. Safeties got WAY overpaid for a few years. I think the market will not be kind to them this year, outside maybe one or two guys. No way should the Bills pay top dollar for a safety. There are too many good options this year to go out and spend that much.
  16. I feel like when he plays he does fine. Hopefully he gets some opportunities this year.
  17. Safeties have to be willing and able tacklers. Gilmore has never liked tackling.
  18. He was a pleasure to watch. I hope he goes somewhere and balls out. I could certainly see him intercepting Josh Allen sometime in the future if he plays for an AFC team.
  19. Why? It is good for literally everyone. The players get their money faster and the team gets cap flexibility. There is very little downside.
  20. They haven't restructured Allen yet, right? That frees up 20+ million, I think. Ed Oliver as well.
  21. That's not preferable...
  22. Not even comparable. Those were hall of fame caliber players. Legendary Bills. White, Poyer, and Morse are good, but nothing like Bruce, Thurman, and Reed.
  23. He'll be a lot better in Poyer's role. Plus, he seemed to get better later in the year. I have no issue with this.
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