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Dan in Owego

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Everything posted by Dan in Owego

  1. Starting to believe that a 17 game season see's ebb's and flows, last year everything clicked early on, maybe this year we can tread water and really ramp up at the right time. And yes i believe there is a lot of scar tissue from our ending last season, just gotta keep chopping wood, improve week to week and see where it goes.
  2. The NFL is largely a field position game, which as we saw last night is the truth witness overtime 3 and out deep in your own end crappy punt and game over.
  3. HA that's what i think every time i see this, so glad i'm not alone
  4. You may be right, but it's year 6 Josh shouldn't need this guidance. I like some of Ken's concepts on offense so not quite ready to throw him aside just yet, i think Sean needs to be the one to get in his ear. Maybe McDermott isn't the right head coach as well hard to imagine this happening over and over with someone like Sean Payton
  5. He looked to me like he was on some kind of sugar high and he just couldn't settle down. I got no idea if this will be a trend or he can reel it back in and fly right going forward. no good to have the most impressive stallion in the pasture if it keeps busting through the fence time after time.
  6. I believe this as well, got nothing to back this up but i think Josh needs to take more control and put Diggs in his place, too much forcing it to him
  7. This, would need to see film but it seems too forced to Diggs
  8. You know i think we played scared, and that's a problem especially after Rogers went out. Jets have a good defense but come on they are not the 85 bears
  9. exactly it was a merciful ending I was hoping the punter was going to punch the ball out😉
  10. Not sure either, i know it's one game but man something is off with him
  11. Don't be frustrated I really really think we got something in Benford season has started either Elam comes o n our he doesn't season doesn't hang on him period full stop
  12. They thought wrongly they could coach him up, draft busts are littered with this same flaw, just not the head for it
  13. Elam is Leodis level dumb this might be the best thing ever for him, and if not I can almost guarantee he won't excel somewhere else either. Sucks on the draft capitol end still excited about Benford.
  14. Super young kid, this is his wake up call. Desperate move for sure but if the kid doesn't have the head it will never work
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