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Everything posted by HomeskillitMoorman

  1. The Arthur Smith situation is why you absolutely have to take a big swing on a QB within probably the first 2 years of your tenure, let alone 3. That really has to suck for him knowing he didn’t even give himself a shot with a possible franchise QB.
  2. He did and I like Shakir a lot, I just didn’t throw him in there because he hasn’t had a bad season up until this point, the post was just about a couple guys who got ragged on a lot this season and honestly it was fair but they came up big tonight.
  3. I’m a believer that you can think two things at the same time. Have Harty and Sherfield been pretty bad this season? Yes. Did they each make ridiculously huge plays tonight? Yes. I’m happy for them. Maybe they can have some big moments in the playoffs here!
  4. Can we actually please cover Reek with help on that soft zone coverage?
  5. Great drive from Josh. Great decisions and throws. The best can put up a big 4th in a game they’ve struggled in.
  6. This is where Josh has to show he’s elite. The best can have 3 bad quarters and lead the team to a W in the 4th in a big game.
  7. We need real coaches on this team. We’re gonna do this all over again next week.
  8. Everything’s open, there’s no resistance whatsoever
  9. I just don’t think the Titans will make enough stops on D to do this but at least they’re gonna give it a go, their teams wants to win
  10. There's just no resistance. This thing's over. We have to win tonight.
  11. Better be ready to play tomorrow, the Ravens absolutely do not care about this game
  12. I was wondering about that. We had tickets to the Chiefs/Bills game in Kansas City through Stubhub and on Gameday they cancelled. I thought that wasn't even possible because I always assumed that Stubhub made you upload the tickets first. We actually just got lucky that prices came down considerably the day of and we actually ended up getting similar tickets for cheaper. But many times that's not the case and it could really screw somebody over.
  13. This is a McD apologist topic. "No matter if we win a Superbowl or not with an elite talent at QB, McD is a great coach!" Agreed. Josh WAS having an elite playoff run 2 years ago. McD choked that way with 13 seconds. That's one of the big problems we all have with McD. You can't blow it when your QB is that hot at the right time. That's not going to happen most times you make the postseason. Another big problem is while Reid also has his issues, he's more proficient on his side of the ball than McD is on his. McD's D has given it up in every big moment in every postseason. Reid's game management sucks but largely the Chiefs offense has come up big when it's needed to the most. So yeah the Chiefs still have to deal with it, but they're getting more ROI for their coach's shortcomings than we are.
  14. Yeah but Lamar being sat probably means many Ravens starters will be.
  15. Welp, the Ravens are officially sitting Lamar. This is most likely a win or go home game for us. Time to nut up!
  16. New pup looks like a happy guy! Sorry about Hilda, losing dogs is really hard, especially when they go early.
  17. That part's probably true, and Josh really hasn't taken advantage of those situations. I didn't really convey it well in my post there but my point was more that I believe Josh does a lot to make up for bad coaching and lack of scheme and WR's that can't get open and I don't think other teams fans or the media in general really see that, a lot of them just buy into the narrative that he's just a big turnover machine for no apparent reason. I do think he's had more of those bad reads and missed opportunities this season but I also think they discount what he's working with here at times.
  18. The narrative not with just the media but football fans in general that don't watch much of the Bills is too negative for Josh to have a shot.
  19. He also “respected” the hell out of Dick Jauron. He used to go on and on about how much he respected him. This doesn’t mean anything.
  20. Not a good onside. If you kick that through the endzone, with 2:01 and 2 timeouts, a stop gets you the ball back with enough time to go down and score. Now you lose 40 extra seconds even if you get the stops and get pinned deeper. Unless the clock starts on the kick, I don't remember.
  21. Steelers are gonna win. I don't see how it's possible to bring McD back if they make the playoffs over us with their revolving door at QB.
  22. Yup thanks, post-game half-drunk brain fart
  23. Haha oh yea the division, I’m still a little drunk from the game
  24. We have the tiebreaker over the Chiefs if we both go 10-7, does that not help us ultimately in a tiebreaker scenario with other factors?
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