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Everything posted by CNYfan

  1. So we have the Full Banana in the Tail Pipe and Dirty Sanchez this season? Yikes!
  2. What about Knox' hands. Not the best. I think he let same good gains fall to the turf.
  3. Promo is correct. Why bother with this loser Sullivan. This is a New Era, we don't need his backwash, negativity and sniping filth. This is a loser from a losing time when we were strapped with a cheap out of date owner (God Rest His Soul). Flush J.S., don't let him in here.
  4. 92 didn't play any defensive snaps. I think he can rush the passer, but maybe doesn't have the 1/11 down yet. Not sure why he was phased totally out, he has been the most electric to the QB from the edge. I thought S. Lawson played fairly well. The OL is better than last year. It should improve going forward. As for draft need I am in the 1 tech camp but hopefully, near the end of the first round, we can just find a real dynamic player who will help win games (e.g. T. White).
  5. I have to see more. Especially out of Josh and the offense. They move the ball in such short increments, hardly ever a chunk play. I think if Frank Gore had the hole that Miles Sanders took to the house, it would have been about a 14 yard rush. Josh's fumble before the Half against the Eagles was killer. Terrible turnover, that turned the tide of the game. Josh used to stretch the field. Last year if it was 3rd and 17, I was somewhat confident they could nail it. Now every 3 yards seems to be a struggle. They have good drives that just take forever and eventually a sack (often bad sacks) or penalty kills it. There is no YAC and no long shots. Josh used to threaten all areas of the field with his arm, now it is just a few yards to the sticks. I have to think that Thanksgiving Day is going to be another National Embarrassment as the Bills seem to melt under the National spotlight. Worst games, defense included, involve being the prime attraction. That is going to be melancholy. The Browns game will be tough as will every Sunday. Patriots and Steelers have the winning pedigree that the Bills aspire to, but every time we seem to be close we slide back down. So, one week at a time.
  6. I don't think we should even be discussing Jerry S. As soon as he left things got better, he raised his ugly viscously negative head on this board last week and things went to s&*t. He is a troll that should just be put on ignore. I feel he tries to hurt football in Buffalo.
  7. What about next week. Our BB will have to improve, and stop reading their press clippings, to beat Washington next week. I suspect they could lose the next 4 also, but they should concentrate on Washington
  8. I think I am sick of "schedule" posters looking ahead and thinking games are going to be easy. One week at a time, and for two weeks in a row the Bills have been a bad football team.. If they can play better and get a win against Washington, that is what the discussion should be.
  9. I think the Bills were beat decisively in the trenches on both sides of the ball. Very disheartening. Two very poor showings in a row, at home.
  10. The better a team is as compared to the competition, the relative ease of a projected schedule may be so measured. Easy. That is because the Bills are good. Nonetheless 1 week at a time. The Eagles are tough and every week is an adventure. None of this is actually easy. So BS to the entire concept
  11. I don't mind Lofton. He is better than many others.
  12. Kroft, one more week. Milano, Corey Thompson, J. Johnson, Boettger, . I think Bates will be active.
  13. I guess I am the ocd grammar/vocab guy as I tried hard to let it go I just couldn't. "Decimated" means what it sounds like. 1/10 of that which is decimated is lost, destroyed, no longer functionable. So if somebody says "I am going to totally decimate those guys" he means he is going to wipe out 10% of their capacity. The KC O-line, I presume has lost more than 1/2 of 1 of the 5?
  14. I like where we are also. Under the radar, underrated and out of the limelight. The Baker with all of his endorsements and distractions is pi&&ing in his whiskey. No distractions, just good football here. Going good.
  15. Cody Ford has struggled at tackle from everything I have seen. (We) haven't solved that position for a number of years of now. At least this FO tried with Ford, but I think it may be back to the drawing board next off season.
  16. I think Barkley and the defense are going to have to come through. Singletary would help
  17. What is there to lose? It has to get better, and as a poster said, one has to wonder if the Duke wouldn't have caught that ball that was tipped in the end zone for the int.
  18. I am a big Josh supporter but I thought he played poorly against Cincinnati. I didn't see the game yesterday but it sounded bad. Real bad. That being said, I feel about this game like I felt about the Texans game last year: i.e. if Josh was there at the end the Bills would have won. I also now think that this weeks Titans game is the inflection point for the season. Win, we rise, lose, we fall.
  19. I listened to the entire thing. One thing that struck me is that the level of inquiry from the Press Corps was quite high. I had to wonder if BB had beaten that into them over the years so that they know they should have intelligent on point football questions to ask. I also translated his responses and synthesized it came out as this "We want to beat them 44-3 and totally demoralize them for the remainder of this season. I want to get in the QB's head and humiliate him so he understands he will never beat a team that I coach". That is not verbatim but an approximation of what that Coach said at that PC.
  20. I think this is going to be a tough game for the Bills. Tre is not 100% and Boyd and Ross are very good. If the Bengals get bad guy J. Mixon going we will suffer. I also think we are going to miss Devin quite sorely. The turnovers will tell the outcome.
  21. I think I will take this just one week at a time and stay focused on this week's opponent.
  22. This. If it is so traumatic, and one is on notice of sexual assault proclivity, why in the world, is this accuser then putting herself in that position continuously? Weak suit.
  23. This is a winnable game and the Bills should concentrate, work hard and take care of that win. Focus, eliminate turnovers and get the job done. I think it will take 27 offensive pints for the Bills to overcome.
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