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Everything posted by Brit

  1. It would be a free play, if we score great. If not, then you take the penalty.
  2. I used to play a lot of Pandemic. Not a lot recently, though... Catan was a breakthrough game in that it inspired designers to expand their horizons on what made good board game design. Still a solid game but there are now a shed load of games that are better. Booze and games are great. Big risk of playing in pubs is that any playing pieces dropped tend to be highly camouflaged on the various carpet designs pubs use. (Talisman sucks though...)
  3. Oi, Beanie, you lazy ******d, pull your finger out of your a***
  4. Human traffickers. They smuggle desperate people into other countries. Many end up as slaves and are undocumented (same as coyotes who smuggle in people on the Mexican border). The UK tends to have less of an issue than the rest of Europe (geographically at the extreme edge and being surrounded by water) but organised crime will do what organised crime will do. Have the odd really bad incident of mass deaths where people have been crammed into trucks/containers and have suffocated in the heat). The slightly less awful trafficking gangs will just dump their charges somewhere, the worse ones will use them as slave labour or force them into prostitution. Seems like in this case he was just dumped in London, which is about as good an outcome as could have happened.
  5. A few years ago I came across Christopher Hitchens and his work as a book reviewer. Read some of the books he wrote essays about and then went looking for more good reads - I found the Guardian newspapers list of 1000 books to read before you die and have been working my way through it ever since (although the list includes trilogies and series, some up to 40/50 in number, so the total is closer to 1400 or so. https://www.theguardian.com/books/2009/jan/23/bestbooks-fiction The list is a good way of finding new authors. Currently reading through Chester Himes (A Rage in Harlem), have read 4 of his books this year so far. Although there are some books on this list that I just wonder at their inclusion. Some authors I like but have not seen listed here: George MacDonald Fraser - the Flashman series. All are good but the earlier books are brilliant. Comedy gold. Nevil Shute - 'A Town Like Alice' and 'On the Beach'. All his books are great - On The Beach should be a must read for any politician who may have their finger on the big button at some point. Elmore Leonard. All his books ooze cool characters. So much of his stuff has been turned into movies or TV shows. Crime and some Westerns. Sometimes both (Justified came out of a bunch of his short stories about Raylan Givens). Hilary Mantel. Salman Rushdie. Both produce books that are long reads and get a while to get used to. But love Wolf Hall and Midnight's Children. Cormac McCarthy - Notably 'The Road' and 'All the Pretty Horses'. Again he is stylistically very different. Writes bleak, bleak novels. Ed McBain - 87th Precinct series. Light crime novels. One of the first police procedurals. As he wrote so many of these it will take a long time to read them all.
  6. I love Jorge Luis Borges. Has some great stuff. However, the number of Latin American authors translated and readily available in England are not that many.
  7. Lot of hate for guys in red uniforms here. Guess it's always been an American thing...
  8. Could just have many of the games at Jacksonville. Pretty much a neutral field there the rest of the time.
  9. Bonobos. A type of great ape. Our closest animal relative. Might explain hippies.
  10. Yeah - a busker plays the theme tune from the cartoon in one of the movies (the first one?)
  11. Yeah. New Orleans. My memory is kinda fuzzy from when I was there too...
  12. Who is this LB? What have they done with the real Klein? On second thoughts, keep him.
  13. I've told people this exact same thing a million times.
  14. Saw some in the Northern Territory in Oz. No bison though.
  15. Bates and Williams can play guard as well. Nsekhe could move in to RT and Williams to Guard. Hopefully not everyone will be out though...
  16. Beasley hurt - questionable to return (radio injury report)
  17. Going to go with home town girl gone bad: The Ogress of Reading. Convicted of seven. Four more bodies found in the cellar of one of her old addresses. But active for decades. Probably killed hundreds, maybe as many s 400. All young kids and babies... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amelia_Dyer
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