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Everything posted by billsbackto81

  1. Both from California is true, but to compare Manhattan Beach to Firebaugh is like comparing a Bugatti to a Hyundai. Plus I don't recall bringing up financial status. Just humility vs arrogance. As far as concussions? Rosens are well documented. Not to say Allen hasn't had any but the red flag on him was a shoulder/ clavicle injury. And as mentioned before I would root for either if that was what McBeane went with. Just saying.
  2. Who knows who'll be the better QB. Rosen was said to be the most pro ready of the bunch. McBeane went with the high ceiling, cannon arm humble country boy so that's who I'm hitching my wagon to. But if they choose to go with the arrogant, concussion prone California boy I guess I'd root for him too.
  3. Say what you want about his form, his timing was PURRFECT! Enter rimshot sound effect... Ba-Dum Bum...
  4. Agreed. Taiwan maybe Tai-gone..... Add rimshot drum effect: ba-dum bum!!
  5. They started 5-2 last season! Just copy and paste............................
  6. 52, but I'm built like Tom Brady..
  7. As I mentioned in another post, I can see them starting the season 3-3. Balt, SD and Tenn. The Bills as of recent years seem to start off better than most pundits think. First 7 games last 4 seasons: 2014/ 4-3, 2015/ 3-4, 2016/4-3, 2017/ 5-2
  8. The fact that he has a super model in his bed and has accomplished what he has with the physique that he has makes me hate him even more.
  9. Something tells me he won't be getting a rose on cut day.
  10. I can see them starting the season 3-3. Balt, SD and Tenn. The Bills as of recent years seem to start off better than most pundits think. First 6-7 games last 4 seasons: 2014/ 3-3, 2015/ 3-3, 2016/4-2, 2017/ 5-2
  11. WHOA! Someone had urine flavored Cherrios this morning. Are you telling me none of these ticked you off when they happened? I know for me Jason Peters and Doug Marrone really got me fuming. Also, to compare athletes to the average American is pretty laughable. Though I agree they should fall under and abide by the same laws we all do, they live in a world that is far from ours. Those tens of millions of Americans you mention, are they signed under contract when they quit after receiving millions of dollars in compensation? Most likely not. I will agree with you as far as the "traitor" monikor being off base. Its more like being classless.
  12. That thing will be worth a fortune one day considering Bruce was not one for signing many autographs or memorabilia.
  13. I thought Bruce Smith worked out pretty well myself but I am a Homer.
  14. I'll make the argument. Not because I'm a Homer but because it's factual. Thomas ranks 10th all time in Total yards from Scrimmage. All but Jerry Rice are RBs , so technically he's 9th amongst RBs. 3 of which played more seasons than Thomas. https://www.pro-football-reference.com/leaders/yds_from_scrimmage_career.htm
  15. Let's look back through the years of NFL history to determine how well this "Dual QB" system has actually worked and flourished over the decades shall we. How many playoff games and SBs were won under this employed system? And please don't tell me Wentz and Foles were a Dual QB tandem. Neither saw the field in the same game until Wentz got hurt.
  16. It'll be nice having a coach who learned at the feet of the master instead of having a coach who was master of the feet. Looking at you Rexy!!!
  17. You can make the argument. Thurman along with Roger Craig were kinda the first dual threat RBs before it became commonplace in the NFL. Top 10, maybe not. But, Top 10 dual threat RBs of all time? Definitely!
  18. Kinda hard to believe. Thurman may not have been a juke you out your shoes RB but to accept that he played his entire HOF career taking the pounding RBs of that era had to absorb feels like a bit of a stretch. I love the guy but c'mon man.
  19. Like him or not he was about complete a CB that ever played. Man or Zone. Had it all, speed, anticipation, hands, fluidity and a sure tackler. Also made a fortune due to the fact that he was never afraid to bet on himself which always allowed him to parlay that confidence into multiple big contract payday. Still enjoyed watching Sammy corkscrew him into the turf
  20. Very misleading stat. Yes he led the league with 2 other no name LBs who were tied. Preston was a sure tackler because he always waited for the action to come to him instead of attacking and using anticipation. If you wish to give him kudos for not letting plays get behind him, ok. I got enough of that when Poz was here. I want my MIKE at the point of attack making TFLs, allowing minimal gains with the occasional sack. Getting to the sidelines before the RB or WR turns up field. I feel Edmunds will bring that to the D hopefully. I like Preston, we just need better in the middle. Here's an article of what I'm trying to say: https://www.si.com/nfl/2015/09/18/nfl-tackling-history-stat-leaders-lavonte-david And the most telling paragraph: The tackle, on its own, has debatable merit as a statistic. “The only thing a tackle tells you about the play is who ended it,” says Sam Monson, senior analyst at Pro Football Focus, a digital outfit that watches every NFL play and takes its time in recording dozens of facts about each one, including which player(s) made the tackle. “A tackle doesn't tell you where [it happened], how bad the damage was before the tackle was made, whether the eventual tackler missed three tackles [earlier in the play] or whether he made the tackle five yards in the backfield. There's nothing to suggest that a guy with 200 tackles played better than a guy with 100. He just made more tackles." Whether you agree is your prerogative.
  21. Edmunds will be replacing Preston Brown, who, after four fruitful seasons with Buffalo, joined Glenn with the Bengals. In replacing Brown, who never missed a game, Edmunds will have to establish himself quickly as a young leader and volume tackler in the middle of Sean McDermott's defense, akin to what the second-year coach had in Carolina with Luke Kuechly. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fruitful? Did I miss something? That fruit was either rotten or never ripened. The best word to describe Brown is "serviceable". Always in the line up. Never really made you want to throw a brick at the TV but never made you say, "WOW! What a play!" Can't wait to see Edmunds patrolling the middle and wrecking offenses. I'm sure we'll get plenty, WOW! What a play! from that guy.
  22. I think you're missing the point. I don't think any RB is worth that much. But, which position has more of an impact on the outcome of a game? A DT that basically occupies blockers or a RB that churns out 150 combined yds weekly? Bell is arguably the best RB in the game. Where does Star rank amongst DTs? Neither deserves that much but if you go by who should get paid for what they've done and bring it's Bell hands down.
  23. If we can pay Star 10 mil a year then Bell deserves 15.
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