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Everything posted by BurpleBull

  1. If he had a better tan he'd be #THUGKIKO a long time ago no doubt.
  2. I have problems because I'd rather not hear a woman calling a football game? Okay...
  3. Can't imagine any woman's voice not being annoying calling a football game.
  4. Why are they letting a lady call football games? Must America acquiesce to women for every f'n thing? And yes a woman's voice calling the game is spoiling the experience for me.
  5. Mahomes can make all kinds of throws across the body but that's not enough to overcome what NFL defenses will throw at him to take away his strength. Under duress, Mahomes is another QB. Being coached by Andy Reid doesn't remove flaws that are part of a QB's makeup. Wait till he faces the best defenses game in and game out, by the end of next season you'll be thinking differently of him unless just choosing to be stubborn. Mahomes can't just be good picked at 10, he has to be great.
  6. Don't know about terrible but I think he will be easier to contain than people believe he will be. I think him being picked where he was will be questioned in time by Chief fans. The Tre'Davious White pick will prove to be the better value at 27 than Mahomes at 10.
  7. Imagine this scenario: Nathan Peterman returns to the starting lineup, wins meaningful games during the playoffs battle, gets the Bills into the playoffs and wins at least one playoff game. The once 5-0 Chiefs, who traded its 2018 1st round pick loses more games and fail to make the playoffs. The Bills coaches would probably almost certainly give Peterman their vote of confidence heading into the next season. Bills are probably selecting just before pick 20 and don't have to use a draft pick on QB. If this plays out, the Bills won the draft-day trade hands down. Still a big believer that Patrick Mahomes will prove to have been picked several picks too early.
  8. You might be right about other players around the league being included in that. I commented to another person that I felt Gronkowski would be a marked man around the league after that. These players are often connected on and off the field. Even with guys as unassuming as Tre'Davious White, somebody always knows somebody who knows somebody.
  9. Until he says otherwise by "whole hood", I'm sure he's talking about folks on the block he grew up on.
  10. Maybe you're just wired differently. The tough talk would have played out on field if that were done to a player on most NFL teams, especially by a player from that team.
  11. Playing on this Bills defense he would've just been another player activated to the 53 and then probably later released. You can't play like you don't know that man.
  12. The fact that Preston Brown and Kyle Williams who both came in screen shot after the dirty hit didn't have the immediate reaction to attack Gronkowski might speak to the defense being soft, a pushover, that has too much respect for franchises like the Patriots. How you let that big goofball dominate you all day and then get away with a cheap shot on your rookie teammate who does everything the right way, for winning a battle against him, and then look to the referees to make things right or just stand there without exacting your own justice is beyond me. Soft as hell...blue collar bull$hit.
  13. http://www.thedailynewsonline.com/bdn02/bills-qb-nate-peterman-im-definitely-going-to-be-ready--20171201 "At first I came out strong and was in a rhyme, and then, I definitely look back and think I was pressing too much. Sometimes you’ve got to just take sacks. Sometimes you have to wait on things," he said. This was my exact take on Peterman in his performance. I'm glad he identified the source of the breakdown on his own. Peterman came out trying to be the Anti-Tyrod by showing people that he could get the ball downfield. It was his first game and he was eager to impress and standout in a good way. Flat out. That performance is not indicative of how he QBs. He needed to take what the defense gave him more instead of forcing the issue and if need be just take the sack and make good on the next series. He understands where he went wrong and will have a far less flawed performance next time around. He'll be a whole lot better. Still very happy the Bills have Peterman. He just needs another opportunity to show what he's got.
  14. Poor game planning for a rookies first start by the coaches. Dreadful performance from Peterman, but that is not the best he has to offer. The Bills should roll with Peterman.
  15. I refuse to watch preseason football in November. I'm out.
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