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Everything posted by SydneyBillsFan

  1. Beanes track record for day two picks doesn't make for great reading.
  2. I hope and pray that I am never put on trial before a jury of people who believe you're guilty until proven innocent like a bunch of you do here, it is frightening.
  3. Recipe for a turnaround: - Less golf - Less podcasts - More hard work - Possibly a new OC
  4. Chris Simms has us missing the playoffs.....has Miami as the 4th seed, Jets 5th, Bengals 6th and Steelers 7th 😲
  5. Is that what I wrote? No?....didn't think so.
  6. What an epic waste of a second round draft pick. Possibly even worse than the 3rd + 7th (corn) frittered away on Kelvin 'lardass' Benjamin.
  7. Harty has not looked as quick or shifty to me as he was at NO.
  8. I am not the GM or the head coach, hence it is not up to me to find a solution. All any Bills fan wants is a functional O-line to protect our biggest asset.
  9. To keep it short - I am very concerned about our starting RT and our OT depth. Heck, even Dion has me a little nervous, although I am hopeful he will be above average when it matters and when he gets familiar with his new guard. So.... am I being a worry wart or is this a genuine problem?
  10. They keep nagging me to renew my subscription but this puts me in two minds. Sounds like I might have to rely on a combination of ESPN and torrent sites.
  11. I have some great news for the USA: Australia has just blown up its largest coal-fired power station, cos you know...global warming. , But of course, as one of the largest producers in the world of clean, black coal, we cannot use it for our own energy needs, but we can export it to China, cos you know....they are a 'developing nation' and coal burnt in China produces less emissions. And now...drumroll please....Australia has committed to a 43 percent cut in emissions by 2030 and net-zero emissions by 2050. At a time when electricity prices are going through the roof, with a 50 percent increase over the past 24 months. So why is this great news for the USA I hear you ask? Because thanks to the socialist-green government of Australia, the USA is now only the second most idiotic country on the planet!
  12. About the same. But that's because 12 months ago I was not aware that: - Hyde would be gone week 2 - Saffold would be a greasy turnstile in concrete boots - Spencer Brown and Gabe Davis would regress - Von would be gone week 11 - the two JP's would get chronic injuries - JA17 would drift back into flashes of Sugar High Josh - Our pass rush would be below par So on balance, we would have to be a good chance of being more efficient this year.
  13. So the contract is for 7 mil, broken down as: 2023 - 2.6mil 2024 - 1.4mil 2025 - 1.4mil 2026 - 1.4mil The last 3 years are void years, so my questions here are: What exactly is a void year? Does it mean we have to sacrifice a roster spot assuming he doesn't play a second year? Would that be a 53-man roster spot or can it be a practice squad spot?
  14. Louis Riddick calling it an "off-season home run signing for Brandon Beane"
  15. He's made a few draft and trade blunders but even the doubters have to concede that he is not pig-headed when he realises he has got one wrong and quickly makes amends. Love the Beaner!
  16. Not sure why but when you mentioned Benjamin I instantly developed a lazy streak and my arse grew two sizes.
  17. Yeah, not sure how I could forget the human beer keg on legs - thanks for the reminder!
  18. I'm tipping that one or more of Shakir, Sherfield, Shorter or Harty rack up some good numbers.
  19. Our D-Line: - Von - Ed - Floyd - DaQuan - Phillips - Rousseau - Shaq - Epenesa - POOOOOOOONNNNNNNAAAAAAA
  20. But we already have 3 TE. Oh sorry, I was looking for the Zach Ertz thread - please continue
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