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Everything posted by PrimeTime101

  1. yes I will edit one out. Don't no why that happened my bad
  2. In memory to the spirit of this post this video shows who got it right and who got it wrong.
  3. K so right now Freiermuth is on the boards early-early mid second round. He wont make it to us in the second. 100% agree with this message .
  4. mm I was not talking about the second game
  5. you think Tyrone is a good rout runner? Its because of his speed is why he can do certain things... when your that fast? you draw attention and even more attention when you have a guy that can deliver it. We have rout runners in Diggs and Beasley.. we need speed
  6. so why bump this old thread of yours? This thread had to do with Baltimore game and now your talking about the patriots?
  7. Cam did shred us on a final drive till he fumbled it.
  8. I am happy for Fitz and even happier that Fitz Magic stays out of our division lol
  9. No one here feels over paying for a TE is a good move. Cough Clay.
  10. Shaw,, I respect the %$#@^%$&^%& out of you lol... BUT... You can have all the football smarts in the world and have the best Wonderlic score out there and still be a bad player.. you know this, I know this. In reverse players with horrible Wonderlic scores have been GREAT players. This is not even debatable.
  11. seems your trying to put words into my mouth that I am not saying
  12. you never said JUST CLEVELAND. Stop making it personal. don't attack the person attack the topic. compare ONE YEAR or compare career. thats how it works.
  13. and you yourself have said this means very little in the grand scheme of things lol
  14. Who cares Hunt has been in season for 4 years you just did something silly and compared one players season stat to another players year stat and still got numbers wrong. Moving on.. preach on.
  15. yea he just saw the Patriots over pay for a TE and he is thinking to sink his toes into more cash.
  16. Patzies Paying out lots of money for decent players. seems to me they are building a team without a QB
  17. Oh boy where do I start with this.. FIRST OF ALL! Drop the History with Hunt. Everyone deserves a second shot and he served his time and duty for it. Secondly where do you get your numbers? your taking Singletary career average against Hunts average last year? Singletary average was 4.4 last year. Also Hunt has a larger sample size of rushes that proves what he can do. Also playing second Fiddle to an all pro is a difference maker because you don't have momentum in a game. By the way, I know 10 year old's that can tell that Singletary is not a starter in this league.
  18. this is what happens when you make abone headed move be knee deep in one topic and post a miss understood new topic at same time. lol yea I think they set an example for Diggs, White and Dawkins yes?
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